Hmm... Dragonr takes a Bite!

P.P.S. always ride your motorcycle never let your motorcycle ride you. ride @ 60-70% of your comfort level and you will always be riding your bike rather than the other way around.
Left or Right hand turn? Sounds like a R that you crossed the yellow on and ended up on the opposite side of the road?

How did your arm get like that? It looks like there is a riding jacket in one of the pics.

How did you arrive at this conclusion?

Originally Posted by Anarchy View Post
I would have made the turn but still being new to riding I didn't give it any gas through the turn to sharpen my line.
Gas to sharpen? In my experience, when sharpening my line, I always have to lean more OR slow down (front brake or engine braking as required). I finish my corners and drive out into a straight line by adding throttle AND ruducing lean.

Were you in gear or were you truly "coasting"?

Yeah it was a right hand turn. I'm assuming the sleeve of my jacket slid up my arm to cause that. I didn't have any other marks. I was in gear, I probably should have said decelerating.

Thanks for the tips lone. I do need to work on my throttle control. Halfway through the turn I already had my peg down. Rookie mistakes, it was a good learning experience though.
I was at the Dragon over the weekend too, on Saturday to be exact. While in Tellico Plains before getting on the Cherohala I met another FZ6 rider (2006model in the bright blue color). His name was Seth from Fort Bragg, NC, and he went into a guard rail on the Cherohala...messed up the bike really bad. Handlebar bent down to perpendicular to the road, and the fairing was smashed to bits. Like you, he was mostly unhurt but the bike was not rideable...such a bummer that he didn't even make it to the Dragon. Glad to hear you're fixing the bike and plan to get back in the saddle soon!