HOLY CRAP! 2" from the ground and I pulled it back!


Member Minimus
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Revelstoke, BC
Ok, so add me to the ever-growing list of idiots who didn't buy frame sliders when they bought their bike. :spank:
So I was out for a ride today, and just as I was backing into my driveway, my neighbor comes over. I had just turned the bike off. She started talking to me so I took my helmet off so I could hear her and be "open" for the conversation. So it was only a quick chat, but after it ended I realized I had my helmet in my hand and I still needed to back my bike into the garage. Instead of putting the helmet back on my head (which seemed silly) or set it on the driveway (which seemed hard to reach) I opted to lean over and set it on a retaining wall which borders my driveway. Well needless to say I reached the "point of usually no return" and the bike headed for the ground. My brain calculated all the options for my beloved bike with only 500 kilometers on it: 1) let it go and repair the damage (most certainly the front fairing), 2) swallow your pride and yell out for the neighbor lady who is unaware and crossing the street to come help (if she can even get to me in time), or 3) Go deep inside for the adrenaline and pull that f****n bike back up!
I opted for 3. I pulled it up vertical, I don't know how. I am 5'10" 160lbs. Not a big guy. But adrenaline will do anything. The only mark on the bike was a small nick on the engine cover which must have touched the ground. I put on some flat black touch up paint and good as new.

Whew. Guess what I just ordered? Motovation sliders. The $29 shipping fee to Canada makes me choke, but oh well. Could be worse.

Thanks for your honesty Hoser.

I did something just as stupid when i got my Fz6 and had to replace the front fairing and one of the inner fairing panels.

I went straight out and got my sliders and dropped it again at a standstill in France but without any damage this time.

The very first and possibly quickest mod should always be sliders.

We've all been there (or that day is coming for those who haven't been). Gotta love option 3!

I nearly dropped mine in the garage the second day I owned it. I took it off the centerstand and put the sidestand down....so I thought. As soon as the bike started to rest on the sidestand it popped back up (!) I saved it with the exception of a couple of tiny scratches under the grab rail (where it caught a wire fence sitting on the garage floor). I can't say I'd recommend putting your body between the bike and the ground, but it's amazing what instinct and adrenaline can do!
Those slow drops are the most painful... especially if you can't muscle it back up like you did. It's like watching a disaster in slow motion.
I am glad you didn't put your back out. Good work it could have ended badly for you and the bike.

I wasn't going to mention it :ban:but when I recently picked my bike up from the airport after being in Ireland for two days I road off with the disk lock on the back.
Yep I know what an idiot. My soft luggage saved the day again it was full off rolled up suit (thanks again guys) and dirty undies.
My bike was left about 8" off the floor. Not a mark on it.
I did the old stand with your back to it to lift it up trick.

Nice job "Hulk"

"Don't make me angry! You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!" ;)

Glad to hear it! Any sore muscles afterward?
I wasn't going to mention it :ban:but when I recently picked my bike up from the airport after being in Ireland for two days I road off with the disk lock on the back.


I did this ONCE, on my Ducati, with disc lock on front disc....shattered the disc...very expensive "vague" moment....have never used a Disc lock since!
I did this ONCE, on my Ducati, with disc lock on front disc....shattered the disc...very expensive \"vague\" moment....have never used a Disc lock since!
I stick it through the rear sprocket. it hits the plastic chain guard and makes a lot of noise just before you fall over lol.
Thanks, but I still dont think i could risk it...i am known for my absent mindedness, always forgetting something, normally look stupid at least a few times a day.

Thought of getting one of the disc locks with the alarm on it...that could work for a dumb#ss like me!

Just one thing about nearly dropping your bike, i did this once, and managed to get it back up...but ended up in hospital for three days, as i pinched my sciatic nerve in my lower back in the process, and could not move, or feel my lower left leg, OUCH! ended up having an epidural (double OUCH!) which fixed it pronto....

whew....that was close...I bet you had to go clean your drawers after that one.
Glad to hear that you CAUGHT it before completly dropping!. Say, does the flat black spray paint really match the Yamaha casing color/hue/finish? Officially, it's "matt" black. I need to touch up spray a scuff mark on my casing (due to a SF steep hill drop incident) and if you say it's a close match, "F" the idea of spending the $40 or so from Colorite for the official Yamaha match color stuff. Oh, about the alarm disc lock: I have one and it HAS saved me one time (completely forgot that I had it on front disc).
Thanks, but I still dont think i could risk it...i am known for my absent mindedness, always forgetting something, normally look stupid at least a few times a day.

Thought of getting one of the disc locks with the alarm on it...that could work for a dumb#ss like me!

Just one thing about nearly dropping your bike, i did this once, and managed to get it back up...but ended up in hospital for three days, as i pinched my sciatic nerve in my lower back in the process, and could not move, or feel my lower left leg, OUCH! ended up having an epidural (double OUCH!) which fixed it pronto....


More importantly, the bike was a-ok, right?


I sympathise though. I have a bad back, which occasionaly gets tweaked. Not fun.

I came very close to dropping mine a couple of weeks ago. I think being low on sleep lead to a lack of concentration, which in turn lead to me stalling from at a stop sign with the front wheel pointing to the right, so with the lurch of stalling the bike started to tip, I managed to keep it up (stop sniggering:rolleyes:). So being a little annoyed, and my back now having been tweaked for the ride into work, I restarted and purely by accident from being irritated, I kinda span the rear wheel as I pulled away.

And as everyone else says, frame sliders, crash bungs, whatever you want to call them should be in hand before you even get the bike! Fortunately I haven't used them - yet - but I have them in case I do.
Good catch m8 first class, can u bottle than adrenaline and sell it:rockon:

I once dropped my vfr away from me as i was trying to put her on the main stand, as i dropped her over she pulled me forward and i had to stand on tank as she hit the ground

luckily it was onto my grass and a buff took my footprint off the tank and a second hand mirror later she was as
good as new

another time my missus started to drop her thundercat with full luggage as she turned in the road right in front of me

same as u what do u do as im on my bike with my 11 year old daughter as pillion doing 5 mph

luckily my daughter saw what was going down and jumped off the bike and held her up till I got there[pure adrenaline from her] and all it cost me was an ice cream and a hug
You know, I can't really explain it. To whoever said it is like slow motion, you are totally correct! I remember it feeling like I had a long time to decide what to do. And all I could think about was that I was not going to let my bike touch the ground. The bike was just about on the ground and I remember feeling like I had nothing left and I needed to let it go. But all of a sudden I had this surge of strength and up it came. And no, no sore muscles after either. Just brown shorts, some nervous twitching, a sweaty brow, and a sudden need for a beer. Not sure I could ever do it again!

The black paint I used was just GM flat black touch up paint that I have used on my truck. It is not a perfect match (still a little more glossy than the engine cover) but the nick is so minor you can't see it unless you get down on your knees and look closely. A flatter black might work better.

I did a 0mph drop in my driveway a few weeks ago. Once it got 45 degrees over, there was no way I could have stopped it from going down. Sliders saved the day, though!
You're luckier than me! I was taking it off of the center stand yesterday and managed to totter it down on it's side. :spank: Luckily I was able to catch it and gently lower it, so no noticeable damage. My frame sliders are coming soon as well! :thumbup:
I did a 0mph drop in my driveway a few weeks ago. Once it got 45 degrees over, there was no way I could have stopped it from going down. Sliders saved the day, though!