Hope and Change for Buell workers

180 jobs, damn shame. On the plus side though I'm hiring an intern, so +1/2 of a job.

Hey remember when Obama was in office 6 weeks when the Stock Market was tanking to 6000 it was all Obama's fault.

But now that it is back above 10,000 it is because of the sagacious leadership of W? (Never mind that Wall Street is totally decoupled from the disaster it caused and that continues on Main Street!)

It is truly amazing how the conservative mind works?

So it logically follows that Obama bankrupted Buell!
Well I'm glad you agree! Thanks

Ya, It has nothing to do with the HD upper managment at all.. Or the poor quality of the Buell bike, or poor engine choices for the bikes, etc... Its Obamas fault.. You Repubs are insane..
Yup.. Obama is directly to blame for the closure of Buell.. OBAMA!!!!!!

It's an indication of the sad state of the abilities of Americans to talk about politics rationally, that I cannot determine if these statements are facetious (I hope) or you both really believe that it is Obama's fault that Buell is closing (in which case you need to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh). There sadly are many Americans that so hate Obama that they will believe any ridiculous claim against him if it allows them to stoke up their hatred further.
It's an indication of the sad state of the abilities of Americans to talk about politics rationally, that I cannot determine if these statements are facetious (I hope) or you both really believe that it is Obama's fault that Buell is closing (in which case you need to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh). There sadly are many Americans that so hate Obama that they will believe any ridiculous claim against him if it allows them to stoke up their hatred further.

My first reply was total sarcasm.. Read my 2nd reply
Ya, It has nothing to do with the HD upper managment at all.. Or the poor quality of the Buell bike, or poor engine choices for the bikes, etc... Its Obamas fault.. You Repubs are insane..

Have you ever rode a Buell ? I have and some have been over 100,000 miles with no problems . I guess I'm insane for buying a American motorcycle. A chevy made in youngstown ohio and chevy truck made in sheveport louisiana and help keeping jobs in the U.S. I've been very happy with my American car, truck and motorcycle's and I'm looking to buy another buell and chevy. U.S. Motorcycle sales are down 44% in 2009 they peaked in 2005 to 1,100,000 then the nancy pelosi became speaker of the house and the dem's took control of both the house and senate in 2006 and its been down hill ever since.obama and the dems are making things worst every year they are in control. For 8 years the dems and the left wing radicals blamed Bush for everything its time for payback.
I don't know, my only experience of Buell was riding a Buell Blast. What a POS. Looked cheap, felt cheap and was a real thumper with the single cylinder engine.

Even the switches on the controlls looked and felt cheap.

It's sad though as I think Buell was just starting to make some much better bikes and really improving their prodcut line!

Everybody knows it is not Obama's fault, not Bush's fault because it's really the US's fault. It doesn't really make a difference WHO is in the White House. The whole country is rolling downhill. Loss of values, loss of jobs, loss of discipline, loss of character, loss of work ethic, loss of ethics (yes, I do believe all of this). We've become lazy, are suing over everything, and can't even agree to disagree on much. But, probably the biggest indicator is the near collapse of the once-mighty USD.