How comfortable will this be on a naked bike?


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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Ok, to explain the markings and concept first:

Leaving from edmonton on saturday evenings. Spending night in Hinton as first leg is completed. Sunday morning head to Jasper as second leg is completed. Now begins the grueling third leg. Direct to Banff. I expect to stop quite a few times tho en route to Banff as there is a lot to see on the way I rather enjoy water/pee breaks in the middle of nowhere. Once in Banff I will take a look at my clock. If I have ample time (and energy) to travel back north through Jasper again AND BACK TO EDMONTON that same day, I will head back north. If not, I will take my escape route of returning to Edmonton via Calgary (stopping to see some friends in Calgary).

Speeds on the SUPER-STRAIGHT stretches of highway on flat land will never really get over 160kph....usually sitting in the 130kph-145kph range. In the mountains I will be between 90kph-120kph.

How would that work out on a naked bike? Will I be dying from hurricane level wind exposure? Will I be stopping for rests every 100m from exhaustion? Will I find myself hitch-hiking my way back having given up at the near impossible feat.....exchanging sexual favours for a return trip home from lonesome highway truckers?

Say it aint so!!!

P.S. Should have mentioned distances involved. Calgary is ~400km away from Edmonton. Bout a 2:45 trip at decent speed. 4 hours from here to Banff heading there via calgary. Banff to Jasper is also 4.0-4.5 hours or so at average speed. Jasper to Edmonton is about 3.5 hours I believe. Speed limit is 100kph. When I say average travelling I mean @ ~120kph 80% of the time.
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and i expect to time it out so that i arrive back in edmonton at ~9pm. I will be heading out from Hinton @ 7-8am.

Might take a nap somewhere in the mountains if I feel so inclined for a half hour or so.
At these speeds I think you`ll be fine.... you will definitely have a sore ass and be mentaly fatigued after a day like that, but that's valid whether you`re naked or not.

Stop often and take pics, so you can show us later :)
cool, thanks wavex, ever diligent and helpful....truly a credit to this community!!

and i shall....waiting on a set of days im not doing anything. might make a 48 hour thing to give myself more rest time.
Nice ride you got here. Ahhhhhhhh! The Rockies! :thumbup:
The fizzer is a good touring bike. It won't be a problem. My only concern really is your butt... on the stock seat that is. Change position on the seat often or you'll regret it. Or not if you have a better seat.
Be careful as the ride goes on and your energies go down. Feeling tired? Take a break, a picture, a snack. Every reason is good for a rest, even a nap. Anyway, you'll stop enough for pictures I'm sure. Well, I did :rolleyes:
The village of Jasper itself is full of buses and parkings. The mountain view is great but there's a lot (didn't find anything bigger) of tourists there. Price on food are a little steep wonder why :rolleyes: Good to know: one fuel station.
Lot of RVs in the Rockies. Yeah, they are not on the path to extinction... on the contrary. So a lot of passing. Be carefull as you do so because everybody including riders are looking at the scenery and not you.
I don't know if you feel camping for that ride, but there are a lot of camping sites in Jasper. You could camp in Jasper (a few km more than Hinton). This way you'll have less to cover next day? Just a suggestion.
And, PLEASE, fill this thread with pics. I beg you!
Have a nice ride and be careful :thumbup:
God, this brings up some memories...

PS: I did the almost same distance (well I think) last year in this region in one day (from Barriere near Kamloops to Red dear). It rained for 5 hours and took me overall 10 hours. I was quite tired in the end but there was a strange grin of satisfaction under that helmet of mine... like this one ----> :D
For long, long rides I wear cycle shorts under my leathers.

Nobody can tell and you cannot see them.

I will be doing the Iron Butts Saddlesore and Bun Burner ride in the next few weeks, so my shorts will be going on again.

Make sure you have good ear plugs and a supply of headache pills, just in case.


Yes one thing that helps alot is to take one Alieve in the morning when you wake up before you even get on the bike. They last 12 hours, and you can take two every 12. If you find yourself getting sore you can take one more during the day. For me it tends to push the light irritating soreness off untill a few hours later in the day. Helps alot to keep concentration up.

Hydrate, drink lots and lots and lots of water the days leading up to your ride.
I honestly believe dehydration (even slight) has a huge effect on concentration and decision making.
wow thanks Gigot that is some phenomenal info

and good tips on the alleve as well, and i always ride with ear plugs. I am waiting on some saddlebags and stuff I have ordered (including a hydro-pack to wear under my jacket so i can drink water while riding) so when it gets here the following weekend ill be heading out. I have a 2GB camera memory stick so expect loads of pics.....very sexy pics that i will try to make artsy-fartsy :)
In 2006 I rode 363 out of 365 days in Ohio. Cold/wet is relative to what you can stand and conditions of road. I only had one or two days that were questionable. At the time I was riding a 1983 Suzuki GS 1100 naked. The guys at work thought I was nuts. The temps were from -15F to 99F, which is normal in Ohio for the year. Below 40F I wore a pair of Carharts over my gear. The only problem that I had in the cold was my faceshield freezing at stoplights. I would pop it open until the frost cleared away and then close it until the next stop. GRUMPY