Question How fast feels safe to you?

Forest Dweller

New Member
Apr 7, 2023
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Vancouver Canada
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I bought a 2006 FZ6 last year and I've been gradually getting to know the bike. There's a couple of straight stretches near where I live and in the absence of police, I've been gradually working up the speed. I'm approaching 200km/hr and I'm wondering how other people are faring with seeing how fast the bike will go. I'm quite cautious as the bike has 30,000 and is understandably old. The bike sounds and feels fine at 190+ but I don't want to go launching into the air at that speed. Also, I'm 76 and my reactions are pretty good but nothing compared to how they were when I was 20. I'm wondering what other riders have experienced when laying on the throttle?
How fast feels safe to me is basically based on too many factors. When I watch videos of crashes my take is usually the person was too fast for the conditions but when you're testing the limits those considerations are out the window. My thrill is in the turns. The skill is the important bar which includes owning the responsibility of when the planets don't line up for you.
I've had some decent injuries from Hoonerville and because I have that knuckle head DNA chromosome it never stopped me from going fast. My take is enjoy riding but also consider others around you.