How much did you $spend on your fz6? $7200


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May 5, 2007
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As a first time street bike buyer, just wondering how much we all spent for the same bike around the country! Bought mine in Las Vegas in April '07 for an '06 model, paying $7200 out the door. This included 7.75 sales tax and additional fees pertaining to title, etc.

Below, U.S Sales only, "Out the Door" prices buying factory new FZ6's.........thanks for posting, new and used..................................


2004.......OTD$..........Location.............Member ...................2006.......OTD$.............LOCATION...........MEMBER
..............$6250............ALASKA..........MAGNUM.......... ............. .........$5450............CALIFORNIA........REDO6FZ6
..............$7400............CALIFORNIA... CALI RIDER... .............. ...........$5800............ALABAMA............COMET
..............$7729............KENTUCKY..... HAVEBLUE............. .................$5900............KENTUCKY...........CWS6FAN
.......................................................................................... ............$6000............OHIO..................CMHRIDER
.......................................................................................... ............$6200............OREGON..............RUBYRABBIT
.......................................................................................... ............$6324............CALIFORNIA........BIKE 10
.......................................................................................... ............$6500............UTAH..................TREMULANT
.......................................................................................... ............$7200............NEVADA..............VEGASRIDER
.......................................................................................... ............$7300............CALIFORNIA........GMICKEY2001
.......................................................................................... ............$8399............CALIFORNIA........SPORTRIDER_FZ6

2007......$5000.............CALIFORNIA..........ERASER.................2008.....$6418............NEW HAMPSHIRE..FZ6INNH
.............$5970.............WASHINGTON........KAMLOOPS........... ............$6449............WEST VIRGINA......ASH1E
.............$6000.............OHIO....................RBESR.................. ............$6500............CALIFORNIA.........TODDB6160
.............$6100.............CALIFORNIA..........NIMZOTECH........... ...........$6600............MASSACHUSETTES..DANKATZ
.............$6175.............MINNESOTA...........PC4NOW............... ............$6771...........TENNESSEE.............ROOKIE08FZ6
.............$6200.............ILLINOIS...............GEMENI77............. ............$6975...........RHODE ISLAND........JAYWALK
.............$6200.............WISCONSIN...........WOLFC70.............. ............$6999...........CALIFORNIA...........JERMIAH
.............$6249.............MINNESOTA...........TWISTA GRIP......... ............$7000...........PENNSYLVANIA.......KALEL3914
.............$6255.............OHIO....................MR.SPOOFY........... ............$7000...........OREGON.................KOOLFZ6
.............$6300.............TENNESSEE...........DAMNITJEFF.......... ............$7000...........MICHIGAN..............WICK001
.............$6400.............MICHIGAN.............BRYAN.................. ............$7005...........OHIO.....................SOUL2COAL
.............$6500.............ARIZONA...............GPWANABE........... ............$7026...........NEW YORK..............08FZ6
.............$6517.............OHIO....................JEFFINOHIO.......... ............$7100...........TENNESSEE.............GORAN21220
.............$6586.............WASHINGTON........DUMMA................. ............$7113...........GEORGIA.................AJEETS
.............$6599.............CALIFORNIA..........TESLAS................. ............$7200............MISSOURI...............BLACK-ON-BLACK
.............$6600.............PENNSYLVANIA......TRAILER TRASH..... ............$7400............NEVADA..................CHACHING
.............$6675.............DELEWARE.............KEITZ.................. .............$7900............WASHINGTON.........SETH0941
.............$6717.............VIRGINA................ANTONIO BANDANA ............$8096............WASHINGTON..........BABALUGATS
.............$6910.............NORTH CAROLINA...BORDER 1
.............$7000.............CALIFORNIA...........RED WAZP
.............$7100.............SOUTH CAROLINA....HOLLOW
.............$7200.............SOUTH CAROLINA....HOLLYWOOD416
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My Price

I also purchased an '06 in March of '07, in California.

I paid $7,300 OTD but that included a $65 cover, and a $200 helmet in addition to the bike and all the obligatory associated fees.

The sticker on the showroom floor was $5,995.
I gave $7,124.72 OTD for my 07, but the competition for sales around Atlanta is pretty stiff. Lot's of bike shops in the metro area.
Registration Fees

I have a friend who lives in Alabama. I am in CA.

Based on conversations I have had with him on car purchases, there can be some very substantial differences in license & registration fees from state to state. (Not to mention sales tax.)

This may also play a big role in OTD price differences.
I bought my 06 in January of 07. With the chin fairing I paid 6,000 and some change. They were trying to sell their stock on eBay and he gave it to me for the buy it now price of about 5,200
Under $5000! for an '07? What part of the country you live? Hard to believe it? Doesn't sound right? But if you did, looks like most of us spent too much.
Under $5000! for an '07? What part of the country you live? Hard to believe it? Doesn't sound right? But if you did, looks like most of us spent too much.

I live in Southern California... and well you guys didnt spend too much... and Well... working for the company does have its perks...
8900 Canadian dollars in 2005 bought it brand new..

8900 canadian dollars = 1 billion

Looks like I may have paid too much for my bike, but again, I am in an area where the demands for bikes is very high.
Yikes! Next time I'm in Helsinki, I'll bring a new one over......Very beautiful city, I was there a few years ago.
Here in Sweden we pay 69900 SEK for a brand new 2007 FZ6S, which makes about $10208. And that is a special price!! "Normal" price is $10828.
FZ6 S2 whits ABS costs $12106. "Normal" price $12836.
For $5200 I can`t get me a used 2004 FZ6....
I payed $8399.00 otd with gap insurance & all fees

sticker price was $6799.00 that was in february of 06
I bought my 2007 FZ6 several weeks ago and here in central North Carolina, the bike sold for $6650 with 3% state tax and approx $60 in registration/title/tag fees. $6910 OTD
pretty good deal

I live in the Tampa, Florida area and got a 2007 for $6650 out the door but added $400 for dealer theft protection. So total was $7074. I don't know if it matters, but I paid cash which sometimes helps. The deal with the theft protection is that if the bike gets stolen, the dealer would give me $5000 store credit (first seven years) towards another purchase. Seemed worth it.

I searched the web and found the following:

2007 FZ6
Invoice: 5850 (this includes 150 shipping/handling from Yamaha)
Assembly: 50 (via Yamaha pricesheet, but can vary some at dealer)

Ready to sell: 5900 (this means 0% profit for dealer)

Title/Tag/etc.: 100
Admin: 100 (guessing here)

Subtotal: 6100

3%: 6283
5%: 6405
7%: 6527
8%: 6588
10%: 6710

Tax: 7%

OTD Total
(3% Profit): 6722.81
(5% Profit): 6853.35
(7% Profit): 6983.89
(8% Profit): 7049.16
(10% Profit): 7381.00

Let me first say, I'm not a haggler, but talking to these guys got easier the more places I went.

I first went to Barn**'s of St. Pete and the guy pushed MSRP saying that's what others are paying. I let him know that I wouldn't pay MSRP and asked for the best cash price. He gave me the 5850 invoice, but marked up everything else such as 300+ for shipping/handling (already included in invoice) and 300+ for assembly (see above). He came back with 7250 OTD and I walked away because 3%-5% profit seemed reasonable as they need to stay in business, but I wouldn't go above 5%.

I then went to Gulf Coast Motor****** and told the guy right off the back that I searched online and was looking to spend around $6500. He spoke to the manager and came back with $6650 for a 2006 model. I didn't want the 2006 because the 2007 has the re-tuned fuel injection and updated swingarm. They were out of 2007s.

I then went to another dealer a few miles south and told them Barn**'s offered me $6650 OTD for a 2007, but I didn't want to drive an hour to get it and would they matched it. They said they would have to call (I doubt they did) and verify and if all good, they would match. So that's how I got the bike for $6650 OTD, but later added $400.

So, on the 31st of May (end of month might of helped because of quotas) I rode home with the FZ6. Wouldn't you know, it's been raining since Friday. Oh well . . .

Hope this helps.


looks like you did a great job in purchasing your I said, I wish I had something to compare when I purchased my bike..I was definately a disadavantage. I did go online myself and found what the dealer cost of the bike should have been, but I had no verification of what other FZ6's sold for around the country. Granted that the area I live in is a hot spot for bikes, but I still think after all of the posts I have read regarding this matter, I definately paid too much for my '06 which I purchased in April of '07. I will be better prepared if I ever decide to upgrade to an FZ1.
