How not to do a high chair wheelie

The Dude

May 18, 2010
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South Central PA
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[ame=]Zak Gets Der'ED on the highway[/ame]

Nice recovery though. I don't think anybody saw that. Better make a quick exit.
I was going to say WTF he didnt even get hurt riding around with tennis shoes and a tshirt. THEN i saw the end of the video :spank: OUCH i wonder how bad it was.

By the way how exactly are you supposed to land that trick without crashing?? You have to move your legs all the way around the bars uber quick??
The have more guts than brains thats for sure! I can't imagine having enough balls to even try a stunt like that but to do it without safety gear on NEVER!!
about time a guy like this gets what he deserves,:spank: you don't do that in a public road. I may sound like a jack ass but he deserved that, maybe he will start wearing gear :Flip:
He forgot the special thanks to his doctor for grafting his butt to face.
That was before the stunt! :eek: LOL!

No matter how stupid we are, I still feel sorry that we have to go through sometimes painful processing. Hate hearing him after the initial rush of adrenalin.
My wife was watching and I told here he's hurt and she said he seems okay! I said he can't be. Then we saw the end.:eek:
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Stupid doing that on a public road. But he felt like a right idiot afterwards.

Still, hate to see a rider in pain. Hope he heal(s/ed) up alright.
By the way how exactly are you supposed to land that trick without crashing?? You have to move your legs all the way around the bars uber quick??

You are just supposed to ease the front end down at speed, and not dump the throttle. The inertia, according to one of the guys who stunts at the shop I work, will carry the front end smoothly to the ground.

I personally am a little heartless only because the 'Stuntah' crowd attempt stuff like this on public roads. Still sucks for the Zak though.
Stupid doing that on a public road. But he felt like a right idiot afterwards.

Still, hate to see a rider in pain. Hope he heal(s/ed) up alright.
Agree, I am not a fan of seeing people hurt. The issue I have with people who have caught stupid. Is that they often don't learn from it.

if you flick your kill switch off then back on real quick you can recover from accidentally hitting it, but if you don't click it back on pretty fast your bike shuts off....