How "NOT" to get a speeding ticket

Update. Didn't have to sell the bike. I will be broke this summer, but o well right?
Anyways, Didn't think a post made in anger would stir up so much discussion :p
only losing my license for 30 days, which is good as well. Tri-met in august :( tears... lol
Anyways, learn from me guys and ride safe. I'm now looking into going fast on the track at Portland Intl Raceway :) 1/4 mile at a time.
Great attitude Chris!

You'll be a bit more cautious next time.

Stay safe :cheer:
Yep, keep the crazy speed antics to the track...i have a self imposed "speed limit" on the road these days....One that hopefully helpsme avoid the situation your in right now...

Sorry to hear about it, and glad that it loks lke you have learnt a lesson...even if that lesson, does suck finanicially, and license wise...

Good to hear you could keep you bike.

Here in the Nederlands we lose our license if you do more then 50 km/h over the limit. How long you lose it depends on the situation and if it happened before. (its a average speed and as far as i know you can only lose it if they pull you over and not by a speed cam but i dont know that for sure)

I must admit that there where occasions where i went over that limit lets say limit is 60km/h and i was doing a short sprint hitting 130km/h on the speedo. Thats in the danger zone. But those moments are rare and really short 2 sec later i'm doing 80-90 again.

If the roads allow it it mostly drive 10-20km/h faster then the limit. But the fines are acceptable then. My biggest fine was 135 euro for 30 km/h (25 after correction of the error margin). But that was with my car on the highway.
The last time I was caught doing exactly double the limit I think my fine was only around $70 bucks, (but the trooper was a biker).
A few years ago a friend was in a pack doing around 165 mph when they met a trooper. They kept going and pulled in at a service station for crackers and canned drinks. Later the trooper idled in, never getting out of his car. He said, "Nice bikes. They'll run won't they? I know they will, I have one too. Slow down, would you?", then he drove away grinnnng.
Like LONE alluded to: They were on a desolate, straight stretch of clear highway with no one else around. They did no one any harm and the trooper obviously understood.
I look at it like this: Why buy a street Ferrari if you're always going to do the speed limit? Why have a machine capable of hitting 205 mph if you're going to keep it under 70/55 mph? Status? I don't think so Skippy! Bragging rights? Nope. If I wanted to go 55 mph all of the time why would I buy a bike with 98 HP?
Good post. Sorry you got burned. Sometimes the LEO'S are right. Sometimes we like to play. Sometimes we all need a wake up call. Sometimes you need to realize that you only get one spin.
My favorite quote of all time was from Karl Wallenda of The Flying Wallendas: "To be on the wire is life....the rest is waiting." Safe riding man!
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The US federal gov't doesn't/shouldn't have ANY business forcing states to set speed limits, drinking laws, etc.. Of course, it's disingenuous to say, "well, you can set you speed limits, etc., as you like, but if you exceed our directives, we won't pass along tax revenue to you." People say that this is a great country. Really? It's certainly not about a state's rights. (it didn't used to be this way)
Hey guys... Sorry to bring this issue back again. I had some questions about US speed limits that were all answered in this thread.

I'm from Brazil. Here we got similar speed limits and regulations for it. As far as I could read, the difference is that, here in Brazil, no matter what speed you are, it won't get you in Jail. But you'll get a ticket and your license will be suspended.
BUT, if you get into an accident, You'll be in BIG TROUBLE! Jail in US will seem like vacations on a fancy hotel if compared to brazilian facilities.

When I was a little kid, here in Sao Paulo, skateboarding on the streets was prohibited. Police here is really violent, and they would steal or break your board, after kicking your ass. A few years later, the law was revoked. But you don't see to many kids riding skateboards on the streets anymore, cuz there are more than 50 skateparks today in my town.

I agree we're reasonable grown up people and we're able to realize when our driving may be hazardous for others and ourselves, like one said. And speed limits are there for one or more reasons, like others stated.

But I believe there are places that are meant for speeding (circuits). I don't know about US, Australia, Canada and other places, but here it's hard and expensive to ride such places... Access to circuits should be stimulated, not the contrary...

I guess this would be a nice way of getting speed-freaks out off the roads and leaving them to those who wants to get from one place to another - AKA travel.

Plus, such convinience would endorse hard laws against those who puts others people lives on risk.

You may not agree, that's just an idea. Extinguishin speed limits is as wrong as having it based on 1960's equipment and roads.
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The US federal gov't doesn't/shouldn't have ANY business forcing states to set speed limits, drinking laws, etc.. Of course, it's disingenuous to say, "well, you can set you speed limits, etc., as you like, but if you exceed our directives, we won't pass along tax revenue to you." People say that this is a great country. Really? It's certainly not about a state's rights. (it didn't used to be this way)

I think that the ongoing problems in AZ will result in some changes to the way that the Feds and States interact. The big question is whether or not the changes will have positive or negative effects on State government. Only time will tell!

As for the OP of this thread - sorry you got busted... Sounds like you have the right idea now - ride the snot out of your bike on the track and keep it closer to the posted limits on the street!
Not to mention what it is probably going to do to your insurance rates. Take it to court and you may get a judge that will be easy on you. My son got two tickets in the same week and the judge deferred the tickets, made him take an online driver safety class and put him on probation for a year. He was clean for a year and the insurance never found out. Whew.