How to make a HID ballast mount


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Jul 30, 2007
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Adelaide,South Australia
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Well I was installing my HID kit and where to mount the ballast had me stumped.I didn't trust velcro or cable ties so I thought I would try something different and I think it turned out great and is very solid.I mounted mine under the right hand side cowl on the screw closest to the tank.

First you need three of these ,63mm L brackets.You can get them from the hardware shop in packs of four for about $10 tops.


Mount one L bracket on the screw closest to the tank.You should have two screw holes on the bottom rung of the L.
Take you second bracket and sit on top of the one you just mounted and line up the inner hole of the top one with the outer hole of the bottom one and cut to the same length.Then mount the third bracket to the inner hole of the bottom L bracket so that you end up with this(if that makes sense)


Stick some double sided tape to all the inner edges and slide the ballast in and your good to go.


Takes about 30 mins to do.I still have to tidy up the cut a bit but it turned out pretty good I reckon.
Hope that helps anyone who had the same problems as I did .
That is a very good idea. One of my ballasts has stayed firmly attached with 3M dual lock, the other keeps peeling off. However, the one that is peeling off is mashed into place by a rat's nest of random wires that power the HID and ballast running all over the place.