HUD Helmet

Cool, would love to have a GPS and a rearview camera speed and gear selection would be nice but would love the GPS most of all.
I've played with prototype a little bit at SFMOTO. It was only display system proto, not whole helmet.

Navigation display was flicking. Like old CRT computer displays at very low refreshing rate. Very annoying and distracting. It was also hard to look "through" the image. It was always in the way. For the proto display was kind of fixed in the middle :)

I will wait couple more years when this technology will mature a little. What I've seen wasn't very usable (although very impressive and inspiring).
Very cool stuff. I love tech stuff like this. They need to have at least 8 hours battery life to be usefull to me.

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I missed this post...
One of the pilots at work was selling a Reevu helmet, I tried it out but didnt like it. Maybe with more time using it I could get use to it.

I'm wonder if there is (or will be) a relation between additional information to process (on HUD) by brain and number of accidents ? When we are riding we're most likely already on top of our game. Speed requires brain to analyze all senses (visual and audio) data ultra-quick and make decisions.

I'm usually riding 100% focused (sometimes probably overdoing) on the road, traffic and conditions. I can imagine even voice communication with second rider following me would put me off guard.

Maybe it's another skill to be learned how to properly filter that data.
I'm wonder if there is (or will be) a relation between additional information to process (on HUD) by brain and number of accidents ?

I don't think it is about the amount of information to process and more about inattention. Those helmets are already being used by aircraft pilots and they do have quite a lot of information to process :cheer:

I have tried the current REEVU helmet (with the rear-view mirror) and it is no different then cars rear-view mirrors (except you need to look up without moving the head :) ) It the top of the helmet as the mirror so it ain't in the way to see around and you choose when to look in it.

As for HUD, it looks similar to Google Glass and some states/country are already looking at banning them while driving. Will it be the same for HUD helmets? We'll see I guess.
The pilot comparison is a pretty good argument both ways. While taking up viewing space and attention it also is information they would otherwise have to have via instruments. For a bike, we mostly seem to go more on sound and feel and do not really use the gauges that much (although that's mostly because when really focusing it isn't that important if you're doing say, 6500 or 7500 (insert more realistic numbers if I guessed wrong; I tend to ride much less aggressively than most). It is however quite helpful for much the same reason. We do not need the heads up display or really much of any gauges. As we add toys like a gps to the bike, we are inviting distraction. In principle it sounds safer to have the display where we do not have to take our eyes off the road but perhaps it calls for a different visualization scheme more like the weapons system on jets or Google glasses. More of an overlay system than a separate information display. IE, follow the red trail on the road to your destination, green offshoots are for gas stations, yellow for food, etc.