I almost forgot what bipartisanship looked like!


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Jun 5, 2008
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Please read this article, surprisingly that it came from MSNBC, about the impending investigation of pay-to-play practices rampant in our appropriations committees. Being a PA resident I know a lot about Murtha, my company has an office in Johnstown and even sells to some of the defense contractors profitting from his practices. It has been a LONG time coming for him. This article was very refreshing to read, the issue is FINALLY gaining momentum to investigate these glaring conflicts of interest in the appropraitions committees that have been blatantly funneling earmarked cash in exchange for campaign contributions. This is potentially huge because it opens the massive can of worms that is our political system- the entire issue of campaign finance reform (that Obama and McCain had the opportunity to change, but one of them instead chose to break his promisses in exchange for significant monetary advantages in the coming election).

This investigation was rejected 8 times by democrats in congress, but now the freshmen democrats than ran on stances of anticorruption are making good on their campaign promisses and bucking their party in the process. They are actually standing up for their beliefs, for the beliefs of their constituents, even though it may "hurt" their party. Personally, I think it strengthens them. I'm very pleased to see this, not sure what the end result will be, but for those that opposed this for so long there will be serious explaining (lying) to do. Let's keep an eye on where this goes, it is up against major odds but it could be the start of something great. You can only really clean up your own party, it's time we accepted that challenge.

Republicans may gain ethics issue - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com
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