Ice Skates, help

I play hockey 2-3 times / week on a pair of CCM Tacks 452. I love them. They cost about $ 175 CDN when I bought them 5 years ago. Breaking them in was misery, but, now the fit like a glove. Waxed laces can make it easier to get through the break in period, but, it can be brutal to get the skate off. It took me a full season (20 or so games at the time) to break them in.

You should be wearing skates 1/2 to 1 full size less than your shoe size.

CCM, Nike and Mission all make great skates. Some of the guys I play with are on Graffs, which can get pricey, but, they swear by them.

For $ 150 you should be able to get into decent hockey skates.

And watch where you get them sharpened. That makes a huge difference in performance. Get them done the same way (on the same machine, by the same person) all the time. If they have an NC machine, all the better.

Figure skates are for just that purpose; figure skating. If you're just going out for a skate, go with hockey skates. You don't have to deal with the picks screwing up the ice andthe boots are a lot harder, so, it's easier on the ankles. The reality is around here that everyone uses hockey skates. Figure skates are the small minority.

Here's a good site with more about skates: Hockey Equipment - Pro Hockey Stuff
Nike Bauer are the best for what you need
