James Bay adventure anyone?


Distance Rider
Mar 22, 2008
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As some of you know, I've been thinking about a run around the Great Lakes in late-May (maybe as an Iron Butt run, maybe not). I ran into a couple of LD riders yesterday who suggested something totally different. It's a ride I'd thought about it earlier, but had more or less let it go for some reason.....

Do I want to ride to the middle of NOWHERE (literally the farthest place you can go from a town in North America)?
Do I want to see Tundra or the Arctic Ocean (or at least a part of it)?
Do I want a real sense of adventure, but don't have time or $$$ for Alaska?
Would I prefer to stick to the pavement?
Have I got a ride for YOU!!

If you answered yes to most of these questions, and you have 5 days open in late-May, how about a run to JAMES BAY!!

The plan I'm thinking about is to leave from southern Michigan in late-May and reach Radisson/Chisabili (on James Bay - an extension Hudson Bay and the Arctic Ocean) 2-3 days later.

My weapon of choice? My FZ6 of course! I'll be sticking to pavement except for the last few miles to James Bay. My pace is steady (500 miles a day), but I don't ride too fast.

My proposed route would be through the UP of Michigan and northern Ontario. The route back would be similar except following along Lake Huron for a bit. It's only a few miles longer than going through Toronto and likely a LOT more scenic (and fun).

I'm up for camping or moteling it. Depends on what others are interested in doing. Temperatures fluctuate wildly, but late May is drier than June and less buggy than later in the summer (I think). The days will also be very long by that time.

The route is not very twisty, but there are sweepers and it's absolutely EMPTY. Scenery is also great more much of the trip (although repetitive once on the James Bay road). It's also the last chance to see on of the Great rivers of the North (Rupert River) before much of it is diverted later this year (that's my motivation!)

Any takers? Here's a map of what I'm thinking. Total round trip is 2500 miles from my starting point in Michigan. My dates are flexible, but I can only spare about 5 days for the trip, so it'll mean long days. check out www.jamesbayroad.com for a lot of information about northern roads.


There are a couple of guys from Detroit who are interested in going along (one rides a Street Triple and the other an RC51 - not exactly bike known for adventure riding (!) ......but neither is the FZ6!) I thought it would be cool to have another FZ6 rider along - at least for spare parts :eek:
be careful with gas, from what I hear you'll definitely want to bring a gerry can with you.

great trip from what I hear, if I have the time I'll definitely try to squeeze it in sometime this summer
be careful with gas, from what I hear you'll definitely want to bring a gerry can with you.

great trip from what I hear, if I have the time I'll definitely try to squeeze it in sometime this summer

Gas will be an issue. I figure 2 extra gallons should be enough (at one point it's 381 km / 236 mi between gas stations!)
The newest issue of Rider has a trip story to James Bay. Nothing that I'd be interested in, WAY too hardcore.....

Also a (very positive) review of the new FZ6R in that issue.
My wife got some bad news about work (as in she might not have a job soon), so I'm postponing my trip until July. I still think I might do James Bay though. It'll be VERY buggy in July, but at least the temps will be warmer.

Of course now that Rider magazine has 'outed' this adventure, I'll probably run into 1000 bikes up there!

I'm thinking early July if anyone is interested.