Jeff Foxworthy on Upstate New York


It's My Bike!
Jan 26, 2009
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Albany, NY
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I tried to find something in this I could dispute but.........welcome to Upstate NY! (For those who don't know "Upstate NY" is a fairly loose term describing a broad area (pretty much meaning anything north of NYC).......

Jeff Foxworthy on Upstate New York

If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through 36 inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swim by, you might live in Upstate New York.

If you're proud that your region makes the national news 96 nights a year because Saranac Lake is the coldest spot in the nation, and Syracuse gets more snow than any other major city in the US , you might live in Upstate NY.

If your local Dairy Queen is closed from October through May, you might live in Upstate New York .

If you get 131 inches of snow in a week and you comment that 'winter's finally here,' you might live near Oswego or Watertown in Upstate New York.

If you instinctively walk like a penguin for six months out of the year, you might live, bundled up, in Upstate New York.

If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance, and they don't work there, you might live in Upstate NY.

If your dad's suntan stops at a line curving around the middle of his forehead, you might live in Upstate New York.

If you have worn shorts and a parka on the same day, you might live in Upstate New York.

If you have had a lengthy phone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you might live in Upstate New York.


"Vacation" means going south past Syracuse for the weekend.

You measure distance in hours.

You know several people who have hit a deer more than once.

You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again.

You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching.

You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.

You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend/wife knows how to use them.

You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.

You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction.

You can identify a southern or eastern accent.

Down South to you means Corning .

Your neighbor throws a party to celebrate his new shed.

You go out for a fish fry every Friday.

Your 4th of July picnic was moved indoors due to frost.

You have more miles on your snow blower than your car.

You find 10 degrees "a little chilly." And 55 is shorts weather.

You look in vain for Grandma Brown's beans south of the Mason Dixon line.

You actually understand these jokes, and you forward them to all your Upstate New York friends and to those who used to live here
and left (chickens).
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Good one, Cheryl!
The sad reality here is that every single one of these is true. And while they may be funny to some of're all invited to my "There's a new porch on the camp" party next weekend. Bring a fish to share. Seriously. The perch aren't biting all that well.

I also have Foxworthy's Redneck Calender on my desk. I don't find most of those all that funny, though. IE: "You may be a redneck if you're allowed to bring your dog to work." Doesn't everybody do that? Does that make me a true redneck? God...I hope so!! Another of my favorites.... "You may be a redneck if you ever got ammunition as a stocking stuffer." Again I ask, doesn't everyone? :thumbup:
Thanks Cheryl, reminds me of my 4 years in Buffalo. Specially deer and distance in hours...
Good one, Cheryl!
The sad reality here is that every single one of these is true. And while they may be funny to some of're all invited to my "There's a new porch on the camp" party next weekend. Bring a fish to share. Seriously. The perch aren't biting all that well.

I also have Foxworthy's Redneck Calender on my desk. I don't find most of those all that funny, though. IE: "You may be a redneck if you're allowed to bring your dog to work." Doesn't everybody do that? Does that make me a true redneck? God...I hope so!! Another of my favorites.... "You may be a redneck if you ever got ammunition as a stocking stuffer." Again I ask, doesn't everyone? :thumbup:


Anyone who is in the area should make a special effort to get to Camp Bunghole next weekend. I hear that the deck looks great.

If you get there early and leave late there's a reasonable chance you won't remember a thing, thus making next years 'new deck party' that much more of a surprise.
Technically the name is "The Bunghole Lounge".

For those of you requiring clarification:

bung·hole (bnghl)
1. The hole in a cask, keg, or barrel through which liquid is poured in or drained out.
Really. It's on our t-shirts. Were you thinking something else??

And in the words of K1c after last years party......"Do me a favor and never invite me to a backwoods, cracker-ass, red-neck soiree' like that ever again." He's so bitter when he's hung over. But he does look good in a fuchsia neck warmer and snowshoes.
Some pictures from '08. I seem to have lost those from '09 temporarily.
Technically the name is "The Bunghole Lounge".

For those of you requiring clarification:

bung·hole (bnghl)
1. The hole in a cask, keg, or barrel through which liquid is poured in or drained out.
Really. It's on our t-shirts. Were you thinking something else??

And in the words of K1c after last years party......"Do me a favor and never invite me to a backwoods, cracker-ass, red-neck soiree' like that ever again." He's so bitter when he's hung over. But he does look good in a fuchsia neck warmer and snowshoes.
Some pictures from '08. I seem to have lost those from '09 temporarily.

Was I there? :confused: :eek:
See what you've done, Cheryl? You caught us all at the optimal cabin fever time of the year.
Nothing to do but post more pics (from '09 this time) of 60 or 70 peeps a mile up Baxter Mt. No road. It was another cold year last year but in the 'dacks you make your own fun because there aren't enough clinical psychologists to go around. And PMMWSS (post motorcycle mid winter stress syndrome) is a debilitating disease.
If you refer to winter as "logging season", you might be from upstate NY

If you know the starting and ending dates for all the different hunting seasons, you might be from upstate NY.

If you refer to people from Saratoga Springs as "city folk", you might be from upstate NY.

If you've spent more time swimming in rivers than pools, you might be from upstate NY.

If you make reference to "the Northway" or "87" every time you are giving directions or explaining where a good hunting or fishing spot is, you might be from Upstate NY.

If you've ever jumped the fence at SPAC, you might be from upstate NY.

If you have dreams of buying a one room cottage in the "north country", you might be from upstate NY.

If you refer to the place you grew by state county, you might be from upstate NY.

If you own more canoes than cars, you might be from upstate NY.

If you own more snowmobiles than cars, you might be from upstate NY.

If you wear a carhardt as your regular jacket, you might be from upstate NY.

that's all I have for now........
If you've ever jumped off the Hadley-Luzerne bridge, you might be from Upstate NY.
