Lets talk NFL !!! **May contain spoilers**

Horrible officiating couldnt hold back my Gmen this time! Despite a pathetic call by the refs on that blatantly clear fumble by the Packers, which then resulted in a Packers drive ending in a TD, and a pitiful roughing of the passer call which was a total embarassment, my Gmen still beat up on the Packers.

One more win and we are off the SuperBowl baby!!!!
Don't get your hopes up to high, Gmen will lose AGAIN to SF. GO NINERS!!!!!

Doubt it. We lost by a small margin the first time around and we are a way different team right now. Less injuries, more energized, and coming off a few huge wins. Giants tend to tear it up on the road in the playoffs so I have high hopes. We will see soon enough!
Packers played 15 great games and two hideous ones. Guess we'll have to take it like men. Crap!

Oh well, at least Miss America is from Wisconsin. Yeah! Not all our women are corn fed beasts. :BLAA:
Well, at least my #2 made it back the the Superbowl for the oompteenth time... even i get sick of every other superbowl being PAts VS somebody.... I absolutely hate Eli Manning though and my buddy's a Giants fan so i've still got a chance to redeem myself from my previous lost bets with him lol... Gonna be Manning and Cruz Vs Brady and Hernandez and Gronk... Think Belichick will figure them out this time, and shut the Giants offense down... Still horribly upset with the Pack losing though, i may have to have myself a little cry before the game sunday :(
I just finished watching the replay of Friday nights game & all I can say is WOW , how did the Steelers lose that !!!

I'd back Roethseldinglebingleburger to get the job done over Hasselbeck every day of the week but man , they just can't seem to get it together on the road :shakehead:

Great game though & well done Titans :thumbup:

Ohh yeah & Go Pack Go :BLAA: