London, Heathrow - arriving November 9th!


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::CORRECTION - Im arriving November 10th::

Greeting fellow Brits!

I'm landing in Heathrow around 1:30 PM November 10th. I got till 7:20PM when I board my connecting flight to Berlin.

Anyone here have a recommendation as to where I can go in London and still make it back in time for my take-off to Berlin?
Looking over at google maps the airport is about 15 miles away from the London Center.

Perhaps we can meet up for some kind of an ale or brew?:iconbeer:

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Jump on the Heathrow Express train (£15 return) that will take you to paddington station then Jump on the underground and from there you can go to pretty much anywhere in london in 20 min max, westminster, Whitehall, Hyde park are all ok I think marble arch station will put you 5 min walk from Buckingham palace

If you have 3 hours spare you will have plenty of time to see some of the sights

If you are anything like me you will have one eye on your watch the whole time which is no fun.

You mentioned a brew... last time I had a couple of hours to kill I went to the Green Man pub which is just off the airport. Nice little olde English pub, watch your head if you are tall because the roof beams are low!

Take the tube to Hatton Cross, it is the first stop from the airport, then it is a short walk. Nice place to spot planes too as they almost graze the roof as they come in.

See the attached picture, the pub is where the red circle is.
Here's a depressing thought.....................

Live rates at 2009.11.07 09:02:23 UTC 1.00 USD = 0.601850 GBP
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60 pence to the dollor?, not to bad for you guys over the pond, its a good time to visit UK 18 monrths ago you would have got 45 pence!

Knightsbridge is very nice to and you can visit Harrods and spend £1.50 on a plastic carrier bag !!
I used to live only twenty-five minutes from the airport. When my friends used to fly in from Australia or South Africa I just used to meet them in the airport and have a jar.
In my opinion, which I think is realistic you will not have time to see the sites. Airport security is really slow. You have to present one hour prior to departure. If you are checking bags this will take longer. I reckon that it would be better if one or two guys came to you.
Have a great trip, sorry I am no longer in the UK. I would definitely made the effort to meet you.

Nelly:BLAA: (nice new smile lol)
Thank you all for the suggestions regarding the 6hr layover in Heathrow. Here are some pics from my European Vacation.


Taking my first train from Heathrow toward Waterloo station.


Waterloo station connecting me to downtown London.


I got off here - I don't recall the street name. With 4 hours to spend I head over to the local pub.


The Greene King / Bath House is were I spent most of my remaining time. Drinking the local ales from the tap.


Stettin, Poland. Enjoying the ride through the muddy roads on a 700 Yamaha ATV. My cousin got sprayed by the mud.

Taking the Deutsche Bahn to Amsterdam. Here is yours truly sitting on the can.


I'Amsterdam. :D


First exit from the Central Station we wandered in to the city's center, filled with "coffee shops" and the world-famous red light district.


On the cultural note, my father, cousin and yours truly visited the Rijksmusem - where Rembrandt's Nightwatch is housed. Later we headed over to the Van Gogh museum.


Amsterdam is a city of canals, bicycles, coffee shops, history and more!


Enjoying a local chess game in the Max Euwe Plaza. BTW it ended in a draw.
Hi mate, I am so glad you did not get shafted with check in. For some reason I thought you had less time than 6 hours. Looks like you made the most of it though.

The London Heathrow security IS terribly sllllooooow. Understandble since it is one of the world's largest connecting airports. I was surprised how much the new EU Europe has changed its views on smoking. One can hardly find a suitable smoking-permitted venue.
So Chris,

How was the window shopping in Amsterdam? I love that city, it really comes to life at night. Kind of like Vegas.

Have any more pics to post?
I liked Amsterdam a lot. Initially I planned on staying 2 or 3 nights; I ended up spending 4 nights there. Our dollar is weak in Europe. $15 only buys us 10 Euros. As far as the red light district is concerned, I was afraid to take photos as I noticed signs that police monitor that part of town via closed circuit cameras and photography was forbidden there. Unlike the many tourists that took photos, I chose not to.

I'll be in Vegas this Friday for the Morrissey concert at the joint, Hard Rock hotel. I bought 4 tickets and I'm bringing my two friends, but my wife does not want to attend. Interested in seeing Moz this Friday at 9:00PM?