Looking for riding books/info....


Junior Member
Jan 18, 2009
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Hey all,

I saw previous posts on books promoting proper riding form such as "Twist of the Wrists" and others. Apart from taking advanced riding courses, what are the books/articles recomended for improving rider techinique? I feel that better techinique will lead to better safety on the road. Any suggestions?
I remember reading articles on safe road riding I found after a google search. One web page particularly was great. Let me see if I can try and find it for you.
I think this should be a sticky for all new and experienced riders. That's why I post the as PDF files, so they can be available all the time on this forum. HTH
Ok, these are for people riding on the left hand side. But it's clear what people should do when in a country riding on the other side of the road.
Total Control - Lee Parks
Proficient Motorcycling - David L. Hough
More Proficient Motorcycling - David L. Hough

those are a few my husband had me reading and you might check your local library section :cheer:
After you read and gain the technical knowledge, practice a little. Then book a track day and get personalized instruction at a racetrack. You will find them correcting many bad habits you didn't know you had. After correcting them, you will feel immensely more comfortable, confident, and competent.
I got this book - Sport Riding Techniques - Author - Nick Ienatsch - purchased at BN.COM.

I think it's a really good book with emphasis on safety and how to be a better street rider with a comparison to track technique.
I got this book - Sport Riding Techniques - Author - Nick Ienatsch - purchased at BN.COM.

I think it's a really good book with emphasis on safety and how to be a better street rider with a comparison to track technique.

++1 great book. I re-read ever so often and have loaned it out to friends.