Lowering my FZ6

Yes, Crossgar is in Northern Ireland, but the seat is like a big sofa for me lol, and i'm travelling the whole way to spain soon so i need my comfort haha, but really its not a good thing for me just to get used to the bike i definately need it lowered, I like to race and if i need to stop quickly for any reason i'd like to have as much control as possible, just to be on the safe side :D
I would certainly go the way of changing the seat before you mess with anything else. Changing the seat will just make it more comfortable for you and will not mess with the handling dynamics of the bike.

When I changed to the lowered seat it made the bike feel as though it was mine. Beforehand, it was a pain in the butt to ride.

There is no more padding in the lowered seat but it is more rounded and is much more comfortable than the stock.

We went to France and back from denmark in the summer including a couple of 900km days and it was great and never uncomfortable.

Here is a link about the seat with pics. I started this link a long time ago.


No you can buy a Yamaha lowered seat for the FZ6. It is only available in Europe so ask your Yamaha dealer.

They say you sit 3cm lower but because of the shape it feels more than that to me.

Guys, i'm getting it lowered tomorrow and will let you know the results on wednesday, Wilkie, its a a guy in Newtownabbey that works for a professional upholsterer, i'm a Quay Viper and he was recommended by one of our guys so i'm trusting his judgement, £35 and done in 2 hours
welcome tot he forum and nice bike, I have read that you can lower the rear by about 1" with the R6 shock.

Good luck having it done for real and let us know how you like it.
The perspective of a 5'1" gal...

I picked up a used SV650S once that had been lowered. I could get both feet down, which is rare for me (I couldn't on the GS500E I started on). I found two things, rather quickly:
-Lowering is overrated, and didn't make me any more comfortable on the bike.
-Lowering affects how the bike handles. I did my first track day on that bike, and I was scraping hard parts while I still had plenty of tire left. Bikes have to lean to turn, and lowering decreases the bike's ability to do that.

I found that I was just as stable - if not more so - putting my left foot down and keeping my right foot up, keeping the bike stable with the rear brake. I've never dropped a bike in years of doing that, even when I've stopped quickly, or stopped in the wet, or stopped on oil. Grippy soles, confidence, and a little leg strength help. You might consider giving it a try; it opens up riding any bike at all, at any time. :) My two cents.
I'm guessing you're getting the seat lowered... Good move P1nk. Unless you do the entire suspension, probably best not to play with just the rear shock... as Roadstergal just pointed out.

Let us know how you go with the seat... and some before and after shots of the seat would be good... just for comparison.

Hi Pink, I lowered mine using a shock from the Fi International people. Got mine for 80 quid off e-bay rather than the £499 list. It is a bit of a faff, as someone already mentioned you need to drop the forks through the top yoke to keep the geometry right*. More importantly you need to get the side stand shortened by about 20mm, otherwise it'll stand too upright & topple over. Not a huge problem if you know a half decent welder.

I'm 5'6" & substantially over 158lbs, it made the difference of being on tip toe to be able to put both feet flat down.

* Watchout as dropping the forks will cause the bike to turn in quicker. Nearly caught me out a few times when I first did the mod.

Hope this helps
I'm 5'4" and opted for the Metisse lowering link. It's the only lowering link
I'm aware of for the '08 FZ6, and it'll only get you an inch. With it my heals
are about one inch off the ground at a stop. My biggest problems are
backing the bike up and stopping on a slope. I plan on getting the seat
shaved as the lower yammy seat isn't available in the US. I heard Corbin
has a lower seat too.
Right guys, i got the seat lowered and what a big difference, i'm able to wear my combat boots, although still slightly of the ground on my toes. However, my other half raised the front forks about an inch and that did me good to, so i'm loving it, new tail tidy on and mini indicators, just a new screen now, and Scorpion Exhaust and i'll be sorted for my trip across europe :D, will post pics of tailtidy for now and get back to you with the seat pics shortly
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I lowered my FZ6 by replacing the stock rear spring with the Hyperpro, raising the front fork and shaving the seat. At 5'4" the bike fits me comfortably now and it wasn't a huge investment... I should mention that the delivery of the Hyperpro spring did take about 6 weeks because it was backordered...