Marco has some Valentino in him...

Aggressive and in the wrong - yes, but how is it ignorant? :confused:

BTW, moving thread to "Racing Forum"

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Read my post - Simoncelli was wrong......

I think ignorant is the wrong word.

Dumb-ass probably more appropriate

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Oh yes, he has excellent riding ability. I believe the main reason for so many fans and riders thinking of him as a dumbass and overly-aggressive rider, is due to the bad press he receives from other riders.:spank:

The one guy that I saw again this weekend as the actual overly-agressive rider was....Jorge Lorenzo. Entering some corners he would literlally just cut in the middle of the line of the rider in front.:thumbup:

As for Pedrosa, I wathced that crash in slow-motion repeatedly and saw nothing wrong from Simoncelli, especially if you take in to account Lorenzo's riding style. Pedrosa simply took a wide line whilst Simoncelli also did the same, Simoncelli already being in front - resulting in Pedrosa making contact with Simoncelli's REAR. (Which means he was already in front so no wrong doing?):rolleyes:

In short, Simoncelli is being bad-mouthed by riders due to his great ability. Remember, it's their jobs and future at stake here...;)

"You can only bring someone down if they are above you."
- Some smart person in 1981

Everybody knows that if you start a fight with Simoncelli your going too get hurt.
Same with all the Italians, Rossi, Iannone etc.

He shouldn't have gone round the outside of Pedrosa, but the red mist doesn't care :D
Ignorant in that Simoncelli (again) does not see the wrong in racing like this. Somehow he thinks it's ok to cut across another riders nose in high speed corners, as oppose to making a clean pass where it is safer for all involved. Don't get me wrong, I love the kid for his talent and personality, but I wish he would be cleaner on the track...this is not his first incident. I think it is this mentality and approach to racing that cost him the 250 championship a couple of years ago.
Haha. I think it is a good thing he did that to Pedrosa and not a couple of other riders out there...he would have his Italian Pearly Whites knocked out. Or I'll say it like this, I know what I would do to him if he did that to me.
Jacobien, I agree about Lorenzo, the big difference being that he didn't take out another rider. I too saw the replay a number of times, and I disagree with you. He was not ahead of him entering the corner, but darted in on him in the corner and took his line...Pedrosa had no where to go. If he has a faster bike he will find a clean and safer place to make the move. You're right, this is their future....but if they keep up like this they will either be kicked out by MotoGP, or too injured to have a future there.
As for Pedrosa, I wathced that crash in slow-motion repeatedly and saw nothing wrong from Simoncelli, especially if you take in to account Lorenzo's riding style. Pedrosa simply took a wide line whilst Simoncelli also did the same, Simoncelli already being in front - resulting in Pedrosa making contact with Simoncelli's REAR. (Which means he was already in front so no wrong doing?):rolleyes:


Maybe his hair just got in the way and he couldn't see Dani?? :rockon: