

Booth Babe
Aug 13, 2012
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Sydney, Australia
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Hey guys! I'm doing Movember again this year, which makes this my fifth year trying to grow a moustache and raise money for men's health issues (mainly prostate and testicular cancer) . For 'mo' information go to

I've attached a picture of my current moustache so far, at 2 weeks of growth. If you want to donate to my moustache feel free, but I've also got family to hit up for donations so don't feel bad!

Is anyone else donating their face this month?

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Good on ya mate

I am trying to grow my damn mustache but my facial hair is very stubborn and 'patchy', at the risk of looking like a sheep that has been fleeced by some one with less than good motor skills :eek:, I have no problem with soul patch though :D
Think the cause is excellent! Good on those of you who can!

That being said, the last time I attempted to grow some facial hair to later trim to something more appealing, whilst standing outside a local CVS waiting on a friend...random people were attempting to give me dollar bills and one offered to buy me lunch, said I looked like I could use a hot meal...

So suffice it to say, I shall remain clean shaven...
Wish I had known earlier. Over the course of a month, I can grow a gnarly mo-les-tache. Two weeks would only give me an Uncle-Chester.

It's hard to grow a proper Cavalry Stache when regs require it to stop at the corners of the mouth.
Hey guys! I'm doing Movember again this year, which makes this my fifth year trying to grow a moustache and raise money for men's health issues (mainly prostate and testicular cancer) . For 'mo' information go to

I've attached a picture of my current moustache so far, at 2 weeks of growth. If you want to donate to my moustache feel free, but I've also got family to hit up for donations so don't feel bad!

Is anyone else donating their face this month?

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I'm doing it too, my second year. You seem to have the gift of growing proper man hair. I grow a sort of teenage patchy ginger brown type of thing. I like movember as it is really great to raise men's health awarness and provides me with a month of excuses for my facial laziness.



Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Think the cause is excellent! Good on those of you who can!

That being said, the last time I attempted to grow some facial hair to later trim to something more appealing, whilst standing outside a local CVS waiting on a friend...random people were attempting to give me dollar bills and one offered to buy me lunch, said I looked like I could use a hot meal...

So suffice it to say, I shall remain clean shaven...

Take the free lunch mate


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Most recent update - the thick upper lip hair is only a gift this month. The rest of the year people wonder if I'm trying to grow out a moustache 5 hours after I shaved.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Most recent update - the thick upper lip hair is only a gift this month. The rest of the year people wonder if I'm trying to grow out a moustache 5 hours after I shaved.

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Which camera are you using on the HTC ONE for the Tash shots?
I find the secondary camera a bit grainy.

Which camera are you using on the HTC ONE for the Tash shots?
I find the secondary camera a bit grainy.


I used the secondary one for them. Not as good as the main, but plenty good for a selfie. How do you like your One?

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I used the secondary one for them. Not as good as the main, but plenty good for a selfie. How do you like your One?

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

The ONE is sweet, and imho deserves the title for best smartphone of 2013. I'm looking forward to the kit Kat update which will be hitting Ireland in January 2014.
Come on guys, we wanna see a "I've come to clean zee pool" a la porn star mo LOL

We will do our best to satisfy your needs Kaza, I will need about 20 Movembers though lol.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
The ONE is sweet, and imho deserves the title for best smartphone of 2013. I'm looking forward to the kit Kat update which will be hitting Ireland in January 2014.

I'm rooted so.... I guess I could give myself kitkat now! Sense is a bit weird to me though.

In other news I was asked to leave the youth section of a department store yesterday, if that's the direction you're expecting the mos to go.
(Trying to find a sweater that fits my dog)

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