my brother made this

Two hints: The Yamaha logo should be a bit further in, so it's not touching the borders. Secondly, same thing with the third-down red inlay, it intersects the rear tire, would be better if there was some space.
His instructor will probably say the same. Otherwise, great effort! I especially liked the color balances/choices. :thumbup:
I still can't see the naked chick. Can you please move your bike? Thanks!

Seriously, well done! :thumbup:
If I were him, I would use a "slash off" angular split in the image rather than inserting cropped ovals to float in the middle of a picture. Think of a comic book style where images get slashed in half to show a conversation between two people.

Also, I wouldn't have the images touch one another but instead use a black background and insert them on top of that to give some black space between each part - it only needs to be a few pixels worth of space, but it'll make organization look much cleaner.

The bike looks excellent though. I wish we had the naked version stateside.