New Elites


Staff member
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
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Thanks to the new Elite member signups we now have 2 shiny new 1 GB Strips of ram for the Forum server. And a branded free version of Vbulletin... and a photo contest script.. Thanks guys!!!... It really helps keep things running smoothly and helps me afford more things for the site..

HEY!!! i was one of the new Elites.. You can't kick me off.....

Maybe you can.... i won't tempt you as you are the supreme ruler and can do whatever you wish...
I want to know when we can get a lifetime membership. Premium is nice and Elite is very cool but a lifetime membership? Well, that kinda says somethin:thumbup:
I want to know when we can get a lifetime membership. Premium is nice and Elite is very cool but a lifetime membership? Well, that kinda says somethin:thumbup:
Life time for you will only be a few years wont it (old fella lol) sorry couldn't resist.
I am just in one of those moods.

Life time for you will only be a few years wont it (old fella lol) sorry couldn't resist.
I am just in one of those moods.


wow.....didn't see that comin.

Doesn't it say that Elite is lifetime, and then it says 20 years???? If so, that is false advertising and I want my money back :D .
Life time for you will only be a few years wont it (old fella lol) sorry couldn't resist.
I am just in one of those moods.


Remember this my young upstart friend across the pond, one way or the other I'm being buried with a bike and the casket will have fine English handles. This will be my 45th season of riding and I'm still alive to start it off. So what do ya figure, $100 for a lifetime of laughter from the likes of you? I figure that's a bargain buddy. Have a great day and stay safe on the English highways ya hear....