NH Ride #1


Samurai FZ Soldier
Elite Member
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Hillsborough, NH
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We are meeting at the McDonalds in Alton Bay NH at 11am tomorrow (Saturday May 17th) and then heading north to eventually check out:

Whitehorse Gear - Think Spring!

There are a couple folks from SBN going, myself, Keira, Mr and Mrs FZ6inNH, and maybe some other local guys going. Should be a good scenic ride to get the saddles warmed up before summer wings into high gear.

We'll be there and ready to roll! Make sure you have the camera batteries charged and the memory cards empty! FZ6-Forum meets SBN... Rumble @ the Bay! :D j/k!

See ya in the morning!
I wish I could, but I committed to work tomorrow. Thanks for asking, but a few days notice would make it easier for me to plan accordingly. Looks like it may be a nice day for a ride, enjoy.
I wish I could, but I committed to work tomorrow. Thanks for asking, but a few days notice would make it easier for me to plan accordingly. Looks like it may be a nice day for a ride, enjoy.

the weather was too questionable leading up to yesterday so it was a spur of the moment thing.... next time.

I have 3 batteries for the camera... should be alright.
Awwww man, i was down in CT.
Anyone down for a ride Tomorrow? (Sunday?) :thumbup:
Looks like rain in the afternoon.. how about the morning?
We didn't expect the weather to be as good as it turned out. It was actually a perfect day and a safe ride.

Sorry Andyjo... Wish I could go this morning but I've got to do some work at home today. The bike needs maintenance too. Oil, filter, chain clean and lube... Reiobard and Keira and working at the track (NHMS) on May 31/June 1. Want to meet up there and take a ride between the action?

My wife and I had a great time with the three of you! It was a welcome break and a great ride. Thank you for spending the day with us!
This was a really good day! I had a good time and it felt nice to get out on the bike for basically no reason. Thanks.
it was a great day, good people, and great scenery. It was nice to take a nice leisurely ride, next time it might be a hit the twisties ride though:rockon:.

Anyway, here are some pictures that i got:

The meeting spot in the morning:







then just hanging out before parting ways:







Sorry there are no action shots or any scenic views, we were too busy riding:Sport:
Was an excellent day indeed! Great weather, thanks to all of you. It was a pleasure to meet and ride with you.:thumbup:
Was an excellent day indeed! Great weather, thanks to all of you. It was a pleasure to meet and ride with you.:thumbup:

Welcome to the forum! Thanks for coming and riding with us! It was a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm sure we will be up your way sooner than later and have another ride. I'd likt to do a Kanga ride with stops at the scenic areas for great photo ops!

Enjoy the site and ride safe! :thumbup:
Was an excellent day indeed! Great weather, thanks to all of you. It was a pleasure to meet and ride with you.:thumbup:

Glad to meet you yesterday from Keira and I!!!it was a god ride and i am glad that you were able to come.

Also welcome to the site!!!

ride (With us) lots and post often!!!
Michele asked me to post for her. She said she was very happy to meet all of you and enjoyed your company and the ride VERY much! She really needed that kind of a day too! We both hope to catch another ride soon with you all again. A big Thank You from her to each of you!