Non-Disposable Motorcycle Ear Plugs Review

I've tried non-disposable and disposable, and agree with the basic conclusion of the article: non-disposable don't attenuate noise as much and are less comfortable.
I have a set of Non-disposable ear plugs .they are the custom fitted type I got them when the cycle world Motorcycle show came though Seattle . I could not be happier I really like them the are simple to put in and do a good job nocking down sound and are very comfy if I camp somewhere that is close to a highway I sleep with them in
I have a pair of the quiet ear ones reviewed on Webbikeworld.


They're not bad but I don't wear them very often.

Disposables are better huh? I'll have to try em sometime.
I use the Alpine MotoSafe Hearing Protection System but as they say in the review they don't fit very snugly, you've got to play around with them a bit to get a reasonable fit.
The big advantage of these is that it definately blocks higher frequencies (the type that does the most damage to your ears), but allows lower frequencies through, this is ideal if you use a helmet speaker for a GPS :thumbup:
A lot of people in Holland rave about the moulded ear plugs from Alpine, they use the same filters but are perfectly formed for your ears (everybody has differently formed ear channels) . I planned to get these moulded cheaply at the Motor expo (they first fill your ear with a liquid foam, which they use to make a mould from) but due to a small operation I had about a year ago I first had to get a Doctors note.
Anyway I'm still planning to get it done as this can be done at several specialist shops but they cost almost double the expo price :(