Noob questions...

What's a "streetfighter"?
Fender eliminator...what's the excitement about these? Is there any benefit besides just personal preference on the look?

I am here:

Look at the FZ6 thread found on this forum. There is a Sticky thread that has people post their own streetfighter mods. You can also look at an FZ8 which is a streetfighter, or google FZ6N which is the 'naked' or streetfighter verzion of the FZ6 sold in Europe.

Alot of people go with the fender eliminator because the stock one hangs down pretty far and the blinkers stick out as well. Many fender eliminator kits sold incorporate aftermarket LED lights that many choose to switch to, However, they also sell ones that incorporate the stock signals to make an easier conversion for noobs like you (and me) I have the link to a good FE kit that I am planning on getting. If you would like the link, let me know and I can dig it up real quick and post it. Good resource places to learn alot and find links to a lot of good threads is to look at bonemans fz6 website, bd43 fz6 website, and jims fz6 website. You can most likely google each of them, but boneman and bd43 are both forum members with some great write ups here on the forum. I recommend browsing the mod section to help give you a grasp on the popular simple mods as well or what you might want to work towards in the future. WELCOME TO THE FORUM!:welcome:
The common story I have heard about streetfighters is that they evolved from riders who crashed sportbikes and either couldn't afford or were unwilling to replace their fairings. They just removed the damaged body panels and put off the shelf round headlights on. Some apparently put on higher bars to help with wheelies, etc. Seems to have been born of necessity (as most trends may/should be) and then copied throughout the world.

I personally don't understand the fender eliminator craze.
A naked isn't quite a streetfighter.

A streetfighter is usually a heavily modded bike with an aggressive look.

Wolfmans bike "Damien" would be a streetfighter. My FZ6N certainly isn't


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A naked isn't quite a streetfighter.

A streetfighter is usually a heavily modded bike with an aggressive look.

Wolfmans bike "Damien" would be a streetfighter. My FZ6N certainly isn't


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Thank you Kazza. I apologize for not being more specific. IMO the FZ8 is the best stock streetfighter.
I agree with Kazza, our stock FZ6N's are nearly there, but not quite.
In my eyes, a streetfighter must have a sticky-up tail end, pointing to the sky. :BLAA:
IMO there is no such thing as a stock streetfighter, that's the whole point of a street fighter to be different and as far from stock as possible
IMO there is no such thing as a stock streetfighter, that's the whole point of a street fighter to be different and as far from stock as possible

Exactly. The whole idea of a streetfighter is based on madmax type of custom builds imo..the finished product looks far from original..and far from anything else on the road for that matter. I would say, the less you can tell what the original model is the more streetfighter you are.