Not a solid entry, but I tried. . .


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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Rode the Fiz out to its resting place where it can hibernate for a couple a months. It was dark and I was descending a hill watching traffic from both left and right while I approached a T in the road. Seeings I must come to a complete stop, I stuck my foot down per usual. Low an behold it just keeps going down into a HOLE that was nicely boot sized and I nearly dumped to the left side w/a boot down 3" unexpectedly! :Flip: insert "YIKES" HERE as this was a huge near miss! :thumbup:
+ 1 for the Hole!

Traffic clears so i go to leave and all be damned if my boot wasn't caught in the F'fffing hole! I grab the front brake, ANCHOR it (by now I'm sideways in the saddle, left leg behind me), and with the bars turned sharp right, front brake ANCHORED, the bike is headed over on the right side! :Flip: :Flip: X2 Thankfully I caught it before it became unruly and Yes, I killed it! >> +2 for the hole and 0 for me.

Well thankfully the rest of the ride was event-less even on the leaves and needles with my bald BT016-Pro racing slick which slid allot on the needles worse than the leaves!

Anyway - for me it marks 2 seasons as new rider with no tips, spills, or downs and considering I tend to push it bit, I'm pretty darned happy! Then again, parking it - comes with mixed feelings. .. . :(

Here's to worn out tires and bug splatter!!! Happy Riding Everyone!
LOL Randy! The hole is one thing but to get yer foot stuck! :eek:

Good saves! :)
LOL Randy! The hole is one thing but to get yer foot stuck! :eek:

Good saves! :)

Ya, it came out, but it was just as I was about to splat on the other side! And then to kill it! It was like a comedy of errors! Looking back, once the boot was in and I had to wait, there was nowhere to go and nothing to do (no need to move, ya know. . .). Never thought twice about it not coming out when I left! Mind you I'm not feet down while the buss is in motion kinda rider. They are down when I stop and up when I go AND NO sooner. It was funny!!
- but that second go round was CLOSE!!!!
Well, I've never heard of such an incident in 40 years of riding, damn, that sucks... (Edited)

Just as a side note, when riding or stopping, I try to stay just slightly off set where "cages" tires run. In the middle of the lane is grease, nails, crap etc.

When coming to an intersection to turn, I pay alot of attention to the road itself, what's on it-specifically, nails, screws etc (x 100% in a construction zone).

Live and learn..

BTW, Its prime riding season FINALLY down here.. No storage necessary... Should you need a place to park, I have room in the garage, just have to leave your keys (to keep the battery charged :) )
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Yikes!! That could have ended up REAL ugly. Good job saving it.. twice! :thumbup:
Good save! I'd be SO pissed if I dropped the bike on my way to storing it.

Ya think! That would woulda sucked!!! It was Thursday night, wind was blowing, temps @47 or and I took a "less used road" that is known for patch gravel and tree parts. So I guess once through the "danger Zone" I quit looking?? :don'tknow: But but I obviously didn't look down to see the obvious until I glanced and saw my boot in it!

You guys will get a kick out of this; I called sis, "hey can I bring the bike out this week?" Ya, but good luck with the leaves she says. Preparing for the worst I talk to her before I head out to find she called the county the day prior;
She says they used a snow plow to CLEAR THE LEAVES from a mile stretch of road were 3 cars had spun off. It's a dead end road with little traffic; but a SNOW PLOW? :rolleyes:

PS - Scott, I didn't dump it! but thanks for the offer! :rolleyes: