Not a virgin anymore


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Jul 3, 2013
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Chicagoland USA
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My pristine 2009 went down the other night. I was riding home and got caught in a big rainstorm. I went through a construction zone where they funneled traffic into the left lane. As we exited, I moved back into the right lane. What I couldn't see was that the right lane had 3" of fresh asphalt. My tires caught on this uneven pavement and slipped out in the wet. Fortunately I was only going 20-25 MPH. I suffered a skinned knee and some bruises, face shield is all scraped up, glad it wasn't my face.

Frame slider took the brunt of it and I think my soft saddle bags helped too although they show no wear. The right mirror and headlight surround "mole" both have road rash and there is a scuff in the engine case. I think sandpaper, a little bondo and paint will fix everything.

I tried to do a search with no luck, anyone know a good plastic paint to match the matte black on the plastic parts?
Ouch. Just glad you're okay; construction sites + heavy rain = Not Good! :(
Sorry to hear that, glad you're ok and the bike survived. I had a low speed crash on my first bike and it didn't make it. :(

Can't say I know where to get good paint for plastics.
sorry for the mishap. it has to happen sometime or another.

skooter65 did a mole that was rashed up.

here is the link.

How To: Repair Headlight "Mole" on 07'+ (Inexpensive)
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krylon makes a black primer that matches the inner shroud of the fairing (the part that goes around the speedo) but i dont know if that would match the "eyelids" around the headlights. also the "eyelids" are a bit textured.....
Thanks for the link, it looks like he took a fairing from an earlier bike and created the "mole" look. I don't think I will need that much texture. I have a good auto paint store nearby, I'll see what they suggest. I'll have to paint both moles and mirrors, a touch up is going to show.

There are only two kinds of bikes, those that have been down and those that are going to go down.
Sorry to hear about your mishap. But good to hear you are okay. Construction around Chicago sucks this year. Good luck with the repairs.
Well, sounds like you didn't incur much damage. A few years ago, almost the same exact thing happened to me in SF. Immediately as I rounded over the crest of the hill on a clear day, there was suddenly a pavement construction zone/crew ahead and I was instantly on a lower road surface. Looking forward, I saw an arrow sign directing motorists of lane closure and to switch lanes. Before I could process what was exactly going on, I proceeded to move over to the next lane. There was about 2 inch pavement difference. The front tire slid out from underneath me and I went down. A construction person at the bottom of the hill helped me get my bike up. I had slider, faring, gear damage and some cosmetic scraping on a casing. My biggest mistake: I should have taken a photo of the scene, got the name of the construction worker, and filed a claim with the City of SF because there was no advance warning signage before coming on the construction zone. As with you, that was when I lost my virginity.