Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize!

See here is my problem with awarding someone who has not earned a peace prize the Nobel prize.

It devalues the hard work, and effort of those that did earn it. It cheapens and demeans those who will recieve it later.

Without twisting logic all to hell, how in the world can someone justify giving a award for potential?

You dont give every soldier a Medal of Honor because they might just do something really brave.
You dont give every guy in MotoGP a trophy cause they showed up.
You dont give both teams in the SuperBowl a ring.

Accomplishment is rewarded. Not effort, not potential.

This is a slap in the face to those that earned it. Mr. Nobel would never of approved.
Obama makes a huge consession to Russia on a missile defense sheild in Europe designed to defend against Iranian missiles without any concessions whatsoever from Russia or Iran.

Are you sure? Russia has made concession to USA as well, if you do not know about this, it's your own problem.

.... JFK was similar, he projected weakness and as a result we end up with Russia shipping nukes to Cuba among many other things. ....

You mean Cuban missile crisis. I see you know very bad the history of your own country))) actually in 1961 USSR located russian missiles in CUBA. Why? Because USA earlier located american missiles in Turkey!!!! It was the cold war. Do you know, where Turkey is? Turkey is very close to Russia, and american missiles in Turkey were very dangerous for USSR. So, soviet government had no choice, and USSR located missiles in CUBA. It was just answer. So, your opinion is absolutely wrong!!! Learn your history)))
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Are you sure? Russia has made concession to USA as well, if you do not know about this, it's your own problem.

You mean Cuban missile crisis. I see you know very bad the history of your own country))) actually in 1961 USSR located Russian missiles in CUBA. Why? Because USA earlier located American missiles in Turkey!!!! It was the cold war. Do you know, where Turkey is? Turkey is very close to Russia, and American missiles in Turkey were very dangerous for USSR. So, soviet government had no choice, and USSR located missiles in CUBA. It was just answer. So, your opinion is absolutely wrong!!! Learn your history)))

Dan, Facts and truth have never been Cuba's strong suit. He wants to believe what he believes regardless.

The fact the the US missile deployment in Poland is really against Russia and not Iran is irrelevant. If you were going to defend Western Europe from a Nuclear Iran, why would you deploy them in Poland? Wouldn't Turkey, Greece or Italy make more geographical sense? Just some more of the Bush/Cheney illogical logic.

And you are correct in your statement that Russia deployed in Cuba in response to the USA deployment in Turkey. Russia would have tried it whoever was President in 1962.

Cuba gets his history from his personal historian Glenn Beck!
See here is my problem with awarding someone who has not earned a peace prize the Nobel prize.

It devalues the hard work, and effort of those that did earn it. It cheapens and demeans those who will recieve it later.

Without twisting logic all to hell, how in the world can someone justify giving a award for potential?

You dont give every soldier a Medal of Honor because they might just do something really brave.
You dont give every guy in MotoGP a trophy cause they showed up.
You dont give both teams in the SuperBowl a ring.

Accomplishment is rewarded. Not effort, not potential.

This is a slap in the face to those that earned it. Mr. Nobel would never of approved.

Anybody wanna comment on this on???

Care to twist logic all to hell???
Harry S. Truman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Truman had the missles placed there in 1949. They were in the process of being removed when the cuban crisis happened.

They were obsolete and served no useful purpose at the time.

Please study your history before commenting unless you want to look dim.

Actually, you want to look dim.
I've studied history before commenting, unlike you.

Look here carefully
Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Ending the crisis of 1962
After much deliberation between the Soviet Union and Kennedy's cabinet, Kennedy secretly agreed to remove all missiles set in southern Italy and in Turkey, the latter on the border of the Soviet Union, in exchange for Khrushchev removing all missiles in Cuba"

JFK agreed to remove missiles from there only due to the negotiations. So, he didn't want to remove missiles before.
Seriously? LOL

On four occasions between mid-October 1961 and August 1962, Jupiter MRBM mobile missiles carrying 1.4 megaton of TNT (5.9 PJ) nuclear warheads were struck by lightning at their bases in Italy. In each case, thermal batteries were activated, and on two occasions, tritium-deuterium "boost" gas was injected into the warhead pits, partially arming them. After the fourth lightning strike on a Jupiter MRBM, the U.S. Air Force placed protective lightning strike-diversion tower arrays at all of the Italian and Turkish Jupiter MRBM missiles sites.
By the time that the Turkish Jupiters had been installed, the missiles were already largely obsolete and increasingly vulnerable to Soviet attacks. President John F. Kennedy ordered the removal of all Jupiter MRBMs upon taking office in 1961[citation needed]. The Air Force, however, delayed removal and the President was infuriated to learn that they had not yet been removed more than a year later. All Jupiter MRBM's were removed from service by April 1963, by this point a maneuver useful as a backdoor trade with the Soviets, in exchange for their earlier removal of MRBMs from Cuba.

The missles were much more dangerous to the host country than yours. They were a flawed and obsolete design. The were ordered removed in 1961, were obsolete when installed.

Sorry, but I know what I know, and just saying it isnt so doesnt make it so.
Seriously? LOL

On four occasions between mid-October 1961 and August 1962, Jupiter MRBM mobile missiles carrying 1.4 megaton of TNT (5.9 PJ) nuclear warheads were struck by lightning at their bases in Italy. In each case, thermal batteries were activated, and on two occasions, tritium-deuterium "boost" gas was injected into the warhead pits, partially arming them. After the fourth lightning strike on a Jupiter MRBM, the U.S. Air Force placed protective lightning strike-diversion tower arrays at all of the Italian and Turkish Jupiter MRBM missiles sites.
By the time that the Turkish Jupiters had been installed, the missiles were already largely obsolete and increasingly vulnerable to Soviet attacks. President John F. Kennedy ordered the removal of all Jupiter MRBMs upon taking office in 1961[citation needed]. The Air Force, however, delayed removal and the President was infuriated to learn that they had not yet been removed more than a year later. All Jupiter MRBM's were removed from service by April 1963, by this point a maneuver useful as a backdoor trade with the Soviets, in exchange for their earlier removal of MRBMs from Cuba.

The missles were much more dangerous to the host country than yours. They were a flawed and obsolete design. The were ordered removed in 1961, were obsolete when installed.

Sorry, but I know what I know, and just saying it isnt so doesnt make it so.

So what? The missles were a flawed. Ok. Who knew about it? President of USA? Did Khrushchev know about it? Unlikely!
I just have said, these missles were the reason of start of the Crisis. And nothing more. May be you are right, and the missles could be removed. who knows...

By the way, i just disagree with CUBA
CUBA said:
.... JFK was similar, he projected weakness and as a result we end up with Russia shipping nukes to Cuba among many other things. ....

I disagree with CUBA that JFK "was similar, he projected weakness and as result...the crisis"....
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You are interesting to me Dan. I believe we are both way to young to of lived thru the 60s.

JFK did in my opinion project weakness on the world stage. Khrushchev did not project weakness at all. He would not of placed the missles in Cuba under Dwight D. Eisenhower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia it would of resulted in thier destruction and most likely war between our countries. Later they would not of been placed under Reagan as they would of been destroyed and most likely produced war between our countries. Khrushchev did not stop the missles from being placed in Turkey. He was young, and inexperinced in the global stage. Years later it was used as a cover excuse for the installation of missles in Cuba. He was wiser and able to use politics and threats better.

Khruschev himself his actions at his begining of power even more affirm that a inexperinced leader allows for military defeat and can easily allow a mistake to place his country in jepordy.

Obama dithers even now on how to handle Afganistan. After many many many times saying it was the right war, it was where we should be fighting, it was where we needed to be, and that he wouldnt of attacked Iraq at all.

Afganistan is the country great countries go to die. War there is mad, the people can not be forced to do anything but die or as they choose live. We must either use a surge, like worked in Iraq, protect the people by being among them, and defend the rights of women to learn, and be members of a self determining society, or allow the Taliban to control the country and leave.

At this point we have dicked around there for over 5 years. Your country was harmed severally there. Ours is being harmed.

Obama is unable to make strong and unpopular decisions that protect our countries future, and also determine if another people we have worked with will have peace and equality or if they will have tyranny. Many Many Many men have died to offer these people peace and freedom. Either give thier brothers the ability to win or bring them home. They go knowing they may die, that is not the issue to a soldier at all, it is that if they do die, thier death has meaning and worth. The Afgans are not a enemy, they are a people. We cant just kill them all. We have to either befriend and build, or leave and allow darkness and tyranny to return.
Well if it comes from Fox news it MUST be true.. Fox news is a joke.. I have never seen such hatred towards a president.. When I hear older people saying "I just dont trust him" It really sounds like they wanna say the N word but know better... I cant believe people are still like this these days...

Did you happen to catch any NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN between November 2000 and January 2009? And don't start with the race-card. This has nothing to do with race. Lot's of white liberals have f-ed up this country long before Obama. Let the representative republic work as designed. Allow free-market capitalism to work as designed. Earn what you work for and keep what you earn. Live and let live.
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Cool man no problems at all. Just please understand that wether I agree or not has nothing to do with my feelings about other people. I will always though ask them to provide proof and reasoning for their views. Some people do not have the ability to see any thing other than what they have decided is right even when evidence is presented to the contrary.

Was putting missles in Turkey a dick move???? Yep
Missles in Cuba?? Yep.

No reason for either one of them to happen. It is a terrible terrible shame that the US and USSR couldnt of been strong peaceful allies in the space race. Our planet would have outposts on the moon, mars, and be exploring the solar system trying to prepare for travel to another star.

Millions of lives have been lost on petty bullcrap and EGO!!!!

That is one of the things that worries me the most about Obama. To me he appears to be a narsistic person. https://health.google.com/health/ref/Narcissistic+personality+disorder
Well if it comes from Fox news it MUST be true.. Fox news is a joke.. I have never seen such hatred towards a president.. When I hear older people saying "I just dont trust him" It really sounds like they wanna say the N word but know better... I cant believe people are still like this these days...

Have you ever watched foxnews ,What is not true ? I guess you think there was no hatred towards Bush?
Good point.

I Steven J. Wright just dont trust him.

Adam are you saying I am a racist???? Seriously???

I dont like him, I dont trust, he is a lier, con. I dont give two flying fuchhhsss about his color. I dont like him as a man that want to control me.

I own my life, I own my liberty. I know the value, and do not and will not allow another human being to take mine. It is a either or propasition.