Off duty cop chased me

First of all, go back and delete everything that you admitted being guilty to if you are even considering fighting this.

Second, no lights and no siren means catch me if you can. And if you manage, you will likely get shot for your trouble. It could be an off duty cop, or it could be some psycho. If somebody in a regular vehicle has chased me down, I am going to assume my life is in danger (assuming they catch me, which is VERY unlikely).

Now, if there are lights and sirens, I will gladly pull over. But that is not the issue here.

Agreed.. This guy couldn't write a ticket on the spot, and he couldn't write one the next day? WTF?? If accused didn't show up the next day, he has no leg to stand on! Even if he has a licence plate number, it means nothing without documents. And what was he going to do, chase a vehicle with an economy car?? sounds life endangering to me. Completely un-professional and in the wrong.
straight from a cop buddy..

no authority whatsoever to enforce traffic violations while off duty, and no authority to write citations, they can only arrest for breach of peace, or felonies.

if you dont see red and blue, then there is no need to stop, unless ofcourse you've commited a felony.. its not a crime to not pull over for an unmarked/unidentified for traffic violations

thats more than likey why he demanded you come into the office because he couldnt do anything at the time

my friend advised, this should NOT hold up in court, at all.. remember, there must be evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, a citation is simply an accusation. the fact that the ticket was written by someone who was NOT present, and the officer that witness was off duty.. thats reasonable doubt.. good luck and please post outcome

Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
I agree and got the same advice from a cop buddy.
That guy is BS. He showed his cards when he couldn't write ticket on the spot, and he couldn't even write one himself! "you better show up" was a totally empty threat. He was hoping..
Well we all are learning from this story!
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i can tell you as a police officer that here in louisiana we have NO right to enforce traffic while off duty. we can call and follow and be an expert witness to the citation and that is it. im telling you now i would NOT have pulled over. at the very least i would have proceeded to the nearest well lit populated area and stopped. or i would have just left him sitting there wondering where i went lol. im assuming this is a small town cop so you got to watch it there. i have been pulled over several times in small towns around me for NO reason other than they were bored and wanted to see if i would run. of course since i do know the law here i have chewed some serious ass when some clown does this and am quick to call them out on it and force them to call a supervisor to me and explain why they pulled me over. it is ass clowns like this that give all of us badge carriers a bad name. just remember your rights. he cant identify you since you didnt take your helmet off, he cant cite you for speeding if he didnt (and remember this quote) "visually estimate your speed and then CONFIRM his estimate with some type of radar or lidar (laser)" and lastly the officer that cited you can not testify to ANY of it since he WAS NOT there to witness it and only followed a lawful order by his chief to cite you. it dont matter if you were doing wheelies follwed by stoppies he cant cite you for that and should have called a marked unit to pull you over while following you! if you have any questions dont hesitate to PM me!

Awesome! Thank you! Love these guys!
My GF and I are both FZ6 riders, and we were discussing this story. She doesnt wanna have to worry (and I dont either) about whether to pull over or not for some poser or possible criminal, or road rager. I just shared your info to her. Thanks for setting the rules straight. Here in Texas I found out this is all true also. I have heard of this happening before to cars and to bikes, not here, but in other states. Some people like to pick on bikes, especially loud and fast-looking ones with "punk kids" on them. We all know this is not always the case.
What you said is what I was thinking when I first read the story, but didn't know for sure. Thanks for clearing this up. I hope the fellow rider gets this taken care of and the "chief" retires or gets a talkin to!
just to clear something up, the officer that cited me was in fact the police chief, however the cop that handed me the ticket was not in fact the chief... not sure if that makes a difference.

Heck yeah! He did that cuz he couldn't write it himself! Hmmm How come?
Red flag! He also did CYA by passing the buck to his #2. Now his name and number are on the papers. Jeez. What are they trying to pull? Please post outcome. What they are doing is complete duct tape and super glue job.
ahahaahahahahahaha sorry mein!! but that story was funny as hell!! this fool yelling out his window and in your face!!!

i would NOT have stopped for that fool in his personal car :Flip: and keep rollin next time!!!

i hate heros.

Good luck!

I love riding through small towns, where you just KNOW, that, since you're on the only major street in the whole damn town, that the one, two, or five cops on the whole force are just WAITING for somebody to exceed the 25 MPH speed limit through the town limits on the highway going through town. It's like a fish waiting to get hooked. Me, I make SURE I don't exceed the speed limit and obey all the traffic signs. If you get a ticket riding through one of these small towns, what are the chances that you are going to, some day, RETURN to fight the ticket? Answer: NONE! I know that this is a differenct poster, but it's still a SMALL, one buggy, TOWN COP.
I highly recommend you seek some legal council on this. Regardless of who or what he is, I don't see how he can positively prove you were speeding and/or breaking the law without some sort of device or witnesses.

1. How does he know you were speeding?
2. How does he know his speedometer is accurate if that is what he used to determine if you were speeding?
3. What did he determine If I you were spending? Is that an approved method under NY State Law? Get them to show you and and evidence where that officer was trained to do that?
4. Where you going down a hill? What gradient was it? Certain States have limitation on that.

There are so many questions to ask and I don't see how any of this could stick. All this sounds crazy and upsets me just hearing it!!!!!!!!!
Here in Bulgaria the cop don't try to stop us (motorbykers), even they whait with radar for over speeding. What happaned to you saund like fairy-tailes. Most of bikers put their plate under the seat, so nobody can see it. I'm very confused that off duty cop can do such a thing...
My dad is a cop and he did something similiar. He was taking my sister to school in the morning when this kid blew a stop sign and almost wrecked into my dad. He followed him into the parking lot, went to the window and said lower your window. When the kid did, he gave him his name and said meet me at the police station in 1 hour and you better be there or I'll come find you. When he got there the kid was already waiting for him. And he then wrote him a ticket.

Also, if a cop is in a moving vehicle and you pass them. Then they can write you a ticket just by estimating your speed. Think about it, if they're doing the speed limit and you blow by them then what do you expect them to do.

Another thing. The reason cops carry a badge and gun off duty is so they can site or arrest you anytime anyplace. They're always considered to be on duty.
This thread is really interesting and I cant' wait to see an outcome. I am positive you can get out of this - I've gotten out of a ticket in court where I was ACTUALLY SPEEDING (and the cop used a speed gun on me) simply by asking when he has his gun last calibrated, and it turned out that he had no documentation proving it had EVER been. If they can't show that they can prove, without a reasonable doubt, that you were definitely exceeding the speed limit, the ticket is dropped. That's it, it's that simple. You will get out of the ticket. Yes, you broke the law. Yes, you will get out of it. Fight it.
I Had something like this happen to me. He was a cop in a new unmarked police car and his lights and siren did not work. I didn't know he was a cop and he had no way of telling me. Honking his horn and waving his arms I showed him my middle finger and juiced my FZ6. I could not see him any more so I slowed to find only seconds later he flew over the hill and almost hit me. I pulled over jumping off my bike and he got out of his car (pissed) slammed his door and by time he looked back up at me he was looking at my 40 cal. Taurus PT100. Changed his attitude real fast. He told me at this time he was a investigator for the Washington State Patrol and unbuttoned his suit to show me his badge and gun both on his belt.

At the end he never gave me a ticket and I think he was more mad his 2 hour old car did not work :spank:
He thanked me for not shooting him at the end of our conversation.

NOTE: I have what is called a "State of Washington License To Carry Concealed Pistol"
take it to court, show that you realized your own wrong doing and owned up to the consqequences by pullin gover when you didnt have to, and leaving work to go down to the police station yourself.

judge will see this and most likely give you a $50 fine and a slap on the wrists (or in this case, face, but hey its cheaper)