Old dude I met today.



Ok today I get a phone call at work. Older guy wants to bring in his car for a alignment. Of course the answer is sure be glad to have it, see you when you get here.

So about a hour later, a really old looking man, walks in, pants pulled up over his belly button, with a half crazy look in his eye. He has a good sense of humor and is sharp though. His name is Mr. Grabber. All good so far, write up his ticket and he goes across the street to eat. Wayne pulls in his MPV van and hooks up the alignment machine. Well the van has been sideswiped by someone so the wheels are bent and one strut is bent. I notice his front plate. It says WWII, Korean war, and Vietnam war Vet. I get to talking to Wayne and I am like bet this is one old guy you dont want mess with. You know the tough old guys that just are tough as nails. So I go back out and ask him if he wants to come out and see his van. He follows me out and I ask him about what he did in the military. He says everything I was in for a long time and laughs. I am thinking this guy is cool. I show him the wheels, and the strut that is bent, tell him the best way to save money is go to the scrap yard and ask for two new wheels and we will put on a new strut and line his van up no problems. He sees my bike and riding boots. So he says great day for riding huh? I am like its awesome. He says

I should bring in then spyder and let you see it. I say you got a spyder???? Intrest is piqued now. He says hell yeah, been riding since 1947, I am 84 now. He says his first bike was harley but after that he got Indians, then rode hondas all thru the 70s 80s and 90s and early 00s, then got a vulcan but he says now he just got this cause it was getting to hard to ride anymore. He said he got the manual cause automatics were like scooters. LOL LOL

Then he went home got the bike and brought it back to show me. He had that same stupid grin I get when I ride same as the rest of us.

Basicly just wanted to let you all know that life rocks, enjoy the hell out of it, and just cause you get old doesnt mean bikes are off limits. I am going to talk to him some more when he comes back and see if he wants to go riding. I wanna hear some of his stories. I know he will have some kickass ones.

Talk about a riding career. Oh yeah and he had on a helmet, gloves, jacket, pants, and boots. Not a pose rider but a rider. That is freaking awesome. :rockon::thumbup:
thanks for posting you little tale there I know a couple guys like that up here . They are'nt quite that old but its still amazing to talk to them about riding and all the stuff they have seen and done in their long riding life
What a great fella,
I would love to be able to ride at that age. If he comes in again get a picture and we can have him as a honorary member.:thumbup:

Thanks Wrightme43....You Young Whipper Snapper!

Yup Life is good!
Sounds like a good guy.

Jannies dad is 74 and still rides his Honda 350T, he kayaks by himself after towing the kayak to the water behind his cycle.

He has just bought a 27 speed TREK mountain bike to go with his huge collection of cycles. He said he wanted it to do his grandsons paper round when it snows because he came off a couple of times last year on the ice.

Yet again, he was a 40 year military man.

I love him to bits.

I bowl with a guy that's 82 and rides a Ducati Monster. Yes he is a good bowler, haven't ridden with him but he's been riding longer than most of us have been on two legs.

Speaking of military men, I was able to meet General Chuck Yeager last year at his home (he lives about 15 miles from me) while doing some work on property next door to his. See him around town once in a while.

With any luck we will be old coggers some day.
Reminds me of an Old Guy here in SA..well into his 70's, had a serious bout of Menningitus, as a result can hardly walk due to missing half his foot, as well as 3 fingers, but he still rides!!!!....here's the best bit, i am pretty sure he rides a 07 GSXR1000!!!


Thanks for posting.

I bowl with a guy that's 82 and rides a Ducati Monster. Yes he is a good bowler, haven't ridden with him but he's been riding longer than most of us have been on two legs.

Speaking of military men, I was able to meet General Chuck Yeager last year at his home (he lives about 15 miles from me) while doing some work on property next door to his. See him around town once in a while.

With any luck we will be old coggers some day.

Chuck Yeager has done some balls to the wall crazy stuff.
that is an awesome story, I plan on riding until i am not allowed to anymore, Good job for this old guy and i hope you get to go riding with him.
I would absolutely love to get a chance to chat it up with Gen. Yager... I love listening to the old military guys that have good stories. I got to talk to one that had a part in the great escape in WW2