one in the slammer one on the way?


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May 26, 2007
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It has been a bad stretch for Illinois governers. Former governer Jim Ryan is in jail already and this morning, current governer Rod Blagojevic was arrested this morning and charged with corruption. I believe that people are innocent until proven guilty, but this looks pretty bad. He is accused of (among other things) of trying to sell Obama's open senate seat.

If true, he is guilty of being both corrupt and incredibly stupid.:(
I think he's hosed in a major way.

Looks like Illinios is making a move to take over Arizona for a string of "excellent" govenors. :spank:
I heard speculation today that Obama's favorite to fill his vacant senate seat, Valerie Jarrett, suddenly pulled out of the contention for the position to help insulate Obama from the fallout. Corruption runs deep in Illinois politics.
What do you guys make of this from MSNBC:

The president-elect was blunt and brief in addressing the case on Tuesday: "I had no contact with the governor or his office, and so I was not aware of what was happening" concerning any possible dealing about Blagojevich's appointment of a successor.

His statement that he didn't have contact with Blagojevich about the Senate seat seems to conflict with that of top adviser David Axelrod, who told Fox News Chicago on Nov. 23: "I know he's talked to the governor, and there are a whole range of names, many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."

On Tuesday, Axelrod issued a statement saying: "I was mistaken. ... They did not then or at any time discuss the subject."
Politicians eh, same the world over... "what's in it for me?" :spank:
After you've absorbed the information above, read this:

Who will fill Obama's senate seat? : News : KHQA

Nice digging Cuba. I suspect this will get fugly, however my gut tells me they will pretty much leave Obama alone. I heard that he has a 79% approval rating and is pretty much golden right now.

I saw on MSNBC this morning that Jesse Jackson Jr. is "candidate five".
Nice digging Cuba. I suspect this will get fugly, however my gut tells me they will pretty much leave Obama alone. I heard that he has a 79% approval rating and is pretty much golden right now.

I saw on MSNBC this morning that Jesse Jackson Jr. is \\"candidate five\\".

Yes JJ Jr. is indeed the infamous "candidate 5"!!! But apparently there is no proof that he was trying to buy the seat, just Blago saying he was. Still pretty tainted though, this one is a sticky mess.

My prediction is this: Obama's involvement will be largely ignored. It will be an interesting footnote that he blatantly lied about the whole thing, but they'll just leave it at that. JJ Jr. will be "cleared" of any wrong doing, but he won't get the seat. The Guvna is royally screwed and will go to prison for a couple years. Overall this whole thing will go away because of all the money and momentum behind BO right now. Too much was invested in this guy to let the machine break down now. The Chicago political machine will continue as soon as things quiet down, this is just status quo for them.

So in other words what we'll see here is... CHANGE???
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More developments in this growing scandal: JJ Jr. is not off the radar with the feds afterall, even though he ensured us in that rediculous press conference that he's clean, not in trouble, not being investigated (even though he has a lawyer and is being questioned by the FBI), and also that his little sister texted him that she's so proud of him. JJ Sr. has come out to say he (Sr.) had nothing to do with it.

Also it appears that Rahm Emanuel is the Obama advisor on tape... Emanuel refused to say anything, but did not deny it. Blago refers to an Obama advisor and says something along the lines of him mentioning the "Fifth CD thing" Emanuel represents the 5th Congressional District.

What do you think will happen when Blago flips and starts making deals? He's in deep and apparently has a lot of secrets he could sell for less jail time. He knows Obama very well, Obama and Rahm ran his campaign not too long ago.
I am no expert in the specific issue, but when a powerful politician goes down like that it's because his actions were moving against the interests of a more powerful politician or 'group'. Not because he did something wrong (unfortunately). People that make it up there always have a few skeletons in their closet. This is JMO though.
JJ Sr. has come out to say he (Sr.) had nothing to do with it.
"Gee Dad thanks for all of the help." :rof:

So if JJ Sr. has a problem who does he call for help, Jimmy Carter?

Too bad however for JJ Jr.; he appears to have been a very good politician, well respected from what I understand.

I'm waiting on pins and needles to see what skeletons jump out of the closet and say, "BOO!"