Pardon moi...


Nocturnal Predator
Jul 9, 2008
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Wherever they send me
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Je cherche un/une ami/amiée pour parler avec. Je suis un etudiant de la langue français pour ma profession des Etats Uni. Mon adresse electonique est [email protected]. If interested send me an e-mail. J'ai vingt-un semaines pour apprender français. Merci!

Je cherche un/une ami/amiée pour parler avec. Je suis un etudiant de la langue français pour ma profession des Etats Uni. Mon adresse electonique est [email protected]. If interested send me an e-mail. J'ai vingt-un semaines pour apprender français. Merci!


LOL , yep im sure i mentioned this in a thread earlier :D.....I wish i'd paid more attention in language classes at school :spank: :spank:
I think is saying,

Hello friends, I am attending college and studying French, if you want to chat in said language please contact me via the e-mail.

Close...maybe this will help:

chercher - to look for

I am looking for a friend (can be masculine or feminine) for speaking with. I am a student of the french language for my profession in the United States. My e-mail address is..... If interested send me an e-mail. I have 21 weeks for learning french. Thanks!
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21 weeks to learn french? forget about it! (NY accent) :D Unless you are spending these 21 weeks in France, being forced to speak french (and french only) all day long, you won't be fluent in 5 months... French is a very hard language to learn (english is a piece of cake in comparison).

Ma femme apprend le francais aussi, je vais lui demander s`il elle aimerait correspondre avec toi! Pour info, ca fait 5 ans qu`elle essaye, avec moi et en prennant des cours avec un tuteur tous les dimanches, et elle commence a bien parler, mais elle n'est pas encore "fluent"!

Bonne chance!
Ironically, I understood everything you said for the most part. And here at DLI (Defense Language Institute), we learn to speak fluently in that time. 99% immersion in the language, and we're even talking about a trip into southern Belgium with a few days going into northern France.

So yeah, it's possible.
Awesome! I did not realize your school was a language school where you would get total immersion... in that case it's basically the same as being in France :) Let us know how it goes!

oh and I asked my wife, but with our 17months old and a second one in the oven, she doesn't have the energy at the moment :D

Good luck!
Ah well, ya win some ya lose some :) Congrats on the kiddo in the oven! If you ever want to meet, I can't make it all the way down to Long Beach, but I can make it to San Luis Obispo - that's right on the edge of my authorized travel distance.
