Picking up an '08 this Saturday...

For the lfe of me I can't understand why people lower this bike. I just come off a DL650 and actually raise the back a touch buy installing a DL1000 shock.. I'm only 5'8" and the FZ6 actually seemed too small. Getting better now since I've been riding it for a week. Maybe its my history of tall dirt bkes and two previous Vstroms.
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Yeah. Most people like touching the ground with both feet. At 5'8" myself just barely being able to toe it made me uncomfortable. I actually had to run with the shock set lower than it should be so I could put the balls of my feet on the ground, and with the pre-load set right, forget it. With the lowering springs, I can touch with the pre-load set right.

If you can ride one footed, awesome, but I can't.
For the lfe of me I can't understand why people lower this bike. I just come off a DL650 and actually raise the back a touch buy installing a DL1000 shock.. I'm only 5'8" and the FZ6 actually seemed too small. Getting better now since I've been riding it for a week. Maybe its my history off tall dirt bkes and two previous Vstroms.

I'm like you. I like big, open ****pits (gotta watch who I say that to!). I like tall seats for plenty of legroom and less knee bend. I also had lots of big, tall bikes. In a comparison to the SV650 and a Honda 599, Motorcyclist praised the FZ-6 for it's large, airy riding position. To me, it makes it feel like a larger bike, which is a good thing in my humble opinion.

Chunkygoat, thanks for the suggestions. I'm gonna make her my fast, light, solo sport-touring mount. Givi V35s, a Cee Baileys screen, and heated grips to start. :thumbup: