pilot power


Apr 19, 2012
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erie pa
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boght a pilot power for my 07, love the grip love the ride, but after maybe 1k miles i think im starting to see it square......is this normal or is there an issue?
I have a regular Pilot Power on the front and a PP 2CT on the rear of my bike. I got 7,000 miles on the front without any squaring at all and on the rear I average around 4500 miles. I just got back from a 2600 mile road trip through the hot Southwest where we spent some significant time doing long stretches of straight highway riding. The rear would begin to square off a little after a few hundred miles of that type of riding but after some spirited twisty riding they would come back to round almost completely.

That being said, I've found the proper tire pressures are more critical on the Michelins than any other tire I've used. According to Michelin tire techs the Pilot Power work best at higher PSI than other Mfgs and recommend 37/38 PSI front and rear. I actually ran 40 psi rear and 38 front on this trip and they stuck like glue, gave great mpg mileage and worked well in 115º heat.
I'm not sure if you just do straight line commuting or not but if you do this probably isn't the tire for you.
I'm on my third set of Power 2ct's. They feel great up till about 5-6k miles, then start to square off and get really hard to turn in. When I feel it getting difficult to turn in I add a few extra PSI to the tires and keep my rides at a "decent" pace instead of the early morning knee dragging stuff. They are great track and street tires. If you are riding exclusively on the street I would go for something less aggressive with higher mileage to grip factor.