Politically Correct


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Jul 30, 2007
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Adelaide,South Australia
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I,m sure Steve will move it if not.
Some of you may have seen the story about Prince Harry calling one of his army buddies a Paki ,he was from Pakistan.No big deal I thought but he is being witch hunted for it . So does this mean I am no longer an Aussie ,and there are no more Kiwi's , Yanks or Pom's.

Thoughts ?
I agree that offence shouldnt be taken in most cases. If he was just joking around with friends then it shouldn't be that big a deal. It all depends on the context that he used it in. But i am a Yank.
I sure dont know.

Can I still people inbred redneck hill scrogins? I met on the other day. He says he owns a Harley.
I'm not huge on being politically correct. Some things are just not offensive, and if you are offended by some of this stuff maybe you should get some exposure to what really is offensive.
I'm in the military so I know exactly what type of language and jokes go around and what is generally accepted.
I don't get insulted when I hear the word cracker or white boy.
It's just he's supposed to be "of royal blood" and be perfect... Take a look at their history, most of them in that blood line were sure not as good as they would like us to think!
The only reason it made headlines is because he's a royal. And that's also the only reason there's any "offense" being taken (if there is any at all). One of the drawbacks of being int he constant spotlight is the inability to be a human being.
I recently learned a BIG LESSON about this sort of thing.

If you’re trying to be friendly and you accidently say something offensive, the best way to rectify the problem is to:

In other words, if I said something funny, but it hurt somebody’s feelings…

“Oh geez! I’m VERY sorry about that. I got ahead of myself. Totally my fault.”

Of course, your apology needs to be genuine. The idea isn’t to “cover up” your mistake, but to demonstrate how considerate you are of the other person’s feelings.

If you notice a problem and lag, lag, lag……that’s when trouble literally starts “brewing.”
The only reason it made headlines is because he's a royal. And that's also the only reason there's any \"offense\" being taken (if there is any at all). One of the drawbacks of being int he constant spotlight is the inability to be a human being.

My thoughts exactly :thumbup:
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I,m sure Steve will move it if not.
Some of you may have seen the story about Prince Harry calling one of his army buddies a Paki ,he was from Pakistan.No big deal I thought but he is being witch hunted for it . So does this mean I am no longer an Aussie ,and there are no more Kiwi's , Yanks or Pom's.

Thoughts ?

You have a good point. I thought it was blown way out of porportion.

Can I still call you an Aussie? ;)
We have a friend called Chris who is gay and we call him Gay Chris. He doesn't have a problem with this at all. It all depends on the person, the situation and whether malice is intended.
The whole thing is getting way out of hand. Geeze, cough on someone these days and they'll take you for all you're worth.

It's hitting the workplaces too. We have a "Diversity" policy at work, which basically means, if you overhear someone talking to someone else (nothing to do with you at all) and don't like what you hear, you can complain about the conversation, and that person could well lose his/her job.

But, the caveat is, if that person see's you upset and apologises for it (like Raid the Revenge said), then the matter is dealt with and nothing more is said. Only problem is, if someone flies off the handle with other people around, they automatically say sorry and nothing can be done... And not the sincere apology that was talked about up above... It's all crap as far as I'm concerned.

Come on guys, give the skirt back to you're wife/girlfriend and toughen up.

*Disclaimer... The above sentence is not aimed at anyone here, it's just me venting about a stupid situation that has gotten waaaaaaay out of control.

Ozfazer6 - I spent a year in your beautiful country many years ago now, and from what I remember if you're just calling the Brits 'Poms' you're already being politically correct.:thumbup:
I was in Melbourne from April 89 to March 90. I had a one year contract programming for Shell Australia. Great place. You're in Adelaide, right? I never got the opportunity to get up there.
Odd question .... the reports i heard was that he had used two word:

paki and raghead ....

Is there a difference? Which peed people off the most? and was either more wrong than the other?

We from sa had the work "k a f f i r" which is now completely unacceptable, now initially it meant unbeliever, same as infidel, heathen or (in some cases) foreigner ... now i would think the associations of that specific name would mean more than some, but no more than "N I G G E R", but despite it's almost non-use by anyone else, blacks now use that word themselves about themselves, DESPITE it's negative overtones and history.

Each generation has it's own "nicknames" albeit they're derogatory (usually) but WE use them for THOSE people. Even redneck is derogatory, but i know some people be PROUD to wear the redneck badge.

I am south african, sometimes called a "saffer" ... or australian's are called aussies ... isn't it NORMAL for a pakistani to be called a paki? Why is it wrong?

OR Perhaps i should ask, where is the line? What does it look like?

The only clues i have (as to why it's all bad) is that some people are hypersensitive to such things, and most of us couldn't care?

We try and appease the hypersensitives by censoring ourselves constantly. This is obviously not working either ... (?)

Where am i wrong here? I'm not advocating hate speech, or name calling ... trying to find the lines.
I am south african, sometimes called a \"saffer\" ... or australian's are called aussies ... isn't it NORMAL for a pakistani to be called a paki? Why is it wrong?

OR Perhaps i should ask, where is the line?

The only clues i have (as to why it's all bad) is that some people are hypersensitive to such things, and most of us couldn't care?

We try and appease the hypersensitives by censoring ourselves constantly. This is obviously not working either ... (?)

Thank you,my point exactly .
Oz , im with you on this one.... There was NO offence intended and im sure none was taken.... People just want to sit there and hear some of the things us Aussies call each other over a beer round the BBQ :eek: , i am so sick and tired of this politically correct bull$h!t ( resist urge to :rant: further ) :banghead: against the wall and take a chill pill before i get real :mad:........ Get over your own self importance people , he was having a joke with mates.... Call me what you like , its only a stupid name for crying out loud :banghead: :spank:
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I,m sure Steve will move it if not.
Some of you may have seen the story about Prince Harry calling one of his army buddies a Paki ,he was from Pakistan.No big deal I thought but he is being witch hunted for it . So does this mean I am no longer an Aussie ,and there are no more Kiwi's , Yanks or Pom's.

Thoughts ?
Hi guys n girls,

I dislike the way that political correctness has banned me from displaying the English flag from my house during the world cup. This has been caused by the do good brigade. Who want to limit how much offense my Christian white background may cause to minority races.
I have many Asian friends and none of them care if I had the George cross tattooed on my forehead. Bear with me there is a point............

The problem with using the word "Paki" is that it was not derived as an abbreviation as to where you come from ie Pom (which I love) Aussie, yank etc.
It came about through racists who were opposed to the mass immigration of Pakistanis and Indians into the UK in the 50's. It is a genralised term born out of ignorance to label a person with a certain ethnicity. I have never heard the term used in a non offensive way. Hi "Paki" how are you today?
The context of how a word is used is important, unfortunately you will have a hard time convincing me that the term "Paki" is one of endearment to reflect a persons nationality.

Thats my two pence worth.
Odd question .... the reports i heard was that he had used two word:

paki and raghead ....
Is there a difference? Which peed people off the most? and was either more wrong than the other?

[edit] The term "Rag Head" is also derogatory. You ask what is a "Rag head"? Well from a military point of view it is anyone who is a native in certain theaters of operation who wears a turban. The term "Rag Head" has also been used in the UK for many years as a derogatory term to identify members of the Sikh faith or Hindu faith. The two faiths could not be further from each other apart from both faiths have a form of head covering. Its like calling a Protestant a Catholic (in certain countries). So the simple answer two your question is Rag head and Paki are totally different. So one of our potential Aires to the thrown is a) ill advised b) crap at geography.

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