Post your BOTM pic here for December!

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ok, i decided on a picture for my December entry.

it is a powerbronze double bubble dark smoke screen, I love it and it works well without being any larger than stock.
Get your pics in! Voting will start on Monday Nov. 17.....that means you have until Sunday.
I guess all the board people like water looking back at previous winners. I am going to have to shoot something cool with water next month.
Here goes nothin...

Upload your picture as usual, but do NOT hit submit.
On the \"manage attachments\" pop up, right click on the attachment you want to have show up big.
Go down on that list and there will be \"properties\" click on that. Another pop up will appear.
Copy the whole \"http\" address that is shown.

Thanks, Steph. But where are these being uploaded????
Looking towards Stinson Beach, just north on the Golden Gate Bridge. My picture has lots of water in it too! That oughta count for something...

This is always the best thread. The problem is we have too many real photographers and people with significant creative talent submitting pictures...
Ok, as I have said many times before...I am not the most verbose person ever but I will try to explain it without tangling my fingers...or brain.

Here goes nothin...

Upload your picture as usual, but do NOT hit submit.
On the \"manage attachments\" pop up, right click on the attachment you want to have show up big.
Go down on that list and there will be \"properties\" click on that. Another pop up will appear.
Copy the whole \"http\" address that is shown.
Go back to your post and click on the postcard (mountain and sun) then paste the http address that you have already copied.
Hit submit at the bottom of your post.

Did I miss anything you brilliant techies out there? I think I got it all. If you have any questions you can pm me too :D

OK. I know this is a stupid question, but how do you upload your picture as usual?
Some awesome entries this month, here's my offering, was hoping to get out and take some nicer shots, but time has got way from me This one's taken on the side of the cutely named Cuddly Creek Road in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia...was the perfect day for riding. More of a bike shot, than a scenery shot though.


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damn Wolf, I just love that tank hugger! Fits your bike so well. Wouldn't look good on my red Fizzer though :(
I love December because I get too see alot of my family that I dont get a chance to the see the rest of the year. In the spirit of the season I busted out the decorations for my pic.....Take care everybody and stay safe through the holidays (when they arrive..I know its only Nov 15, but it is for the DECEMBER BOM...;) )...:thumbup:

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