Rego disc tube.

What the hell is a rego? and why does one need a tube to hold it in?

Out here in Oz we pay our yearly registration fee's and they give us pretty sticker as a receipt :thumbup: , basically and we have to display it on our vehicles :D....Just look under my number plate and you'll get the drift
Out here in Oz we pay our yearly registration fee's and they give us pretty sticker as a receipt :thumbup: , basically and we have to display it on our vehicles :D....Just look under my number plate and you'll get the drift

We get little stickers that go ON our plates, nothing additional to put anywhere else...We DO get a paper copy that we keep with use somewhere.

See the 2 and the 2009, the 2 is February and 2009 is well when the registration expires, you just get a new year sticker every year and they give you the new paper copy. I would be fairly upset if i needed to mount a tube...

We get little stickers that go ON our plates, nothing additional to put anywhere else...We DO get a paper copy that we keep with use somewhere.

See the 2 and the 2009, the 2 is February and 2009 is well when the registration expires, you just get a new year sticker every year and they give you the new paper copy. I would be fairly upset if i needed to mount a tube...


SWEET :thumbup: , i want what you guys get , that looks a lot neater than our stupid idea :D..
Mikey....Maxi-Moto sell these you beaut little devices, if your still looking for a shop that sells them in Adelaide.

Ive got one on mine Mike , they are great :thumbup:...Tidy's the back up nicely :D

That's the doova I'm after:thumbup:.

Mikey....Maxi-Moto sell these you beaut little devices, if your still looking for a shop that sells them in Adelaide.


Kewl, thanks mate. I'll pop in there next week and grab one I reckon.

This is the alternative:eyebrow:But by right's it should be attached "adjacent to the #plate"

I guess that it is certainly visible....

I am just glad that i forund SOMETHING that i don't like about Australia. I thought that you all lived in Heaven, good weather, great scenery, FZ6 Cup racing...
We certainly are the lucky country......lucky we haven't yet topped ourselves over all the bureaucratic

A bike has a number plate. A copper has a computer (that other tax payers and I payed for) to check up on licensing info. This little sticker is not required. If the coppers aren't using these computers then they should stop paying for them.

If somebody steals a bike and is riding away on it and a cop pulls them over for any reason and they see the rego disc on the side of the bike then they'll fine them or whatever and away they go.

If that person has to produce the rego sticker out of their wallet, man bag etc. then they are seriously up poo creek in a barbed wire canoe without a paddle on a stolen bike.

Sounds to me like not having to pick up and use a bought and payed for tax payer funded computer thingy is a higher priority than catching some one on a stolen bike or car......I just call it like I see it.

I just got sick of my rego disc spoiling the look of my bike again, so i have shoved it under the seat again! :eek:

Havnt been picked up yet for it, but the reality is, i should probably get myself one of those siully little overpriced roller things as well...i have enough stress in my life, dont need to promote anymore by giving the boys in blue a bull$hit reason to pull me over and hassle me about my perfectly maintained, safe, and roadworthy bike, because of silly little, insignificant rule transgresions...

oh, i am so close to launching into a rant...

I just got sick of my rego disc spoiling the look of my bike again, so i have shoved it under the seat again! :eek:

Havnt been picked up yet for it, but the reality is, i should probably get myself one of those siully little overpriced roller things as well...i have enough stress in my life, dont need to promote anymore by giving the boys in blue a bull$hit reason to pull me over and hassle me about my perfectly maintained, safe, and roadworthy bike, because of silly little, insignificant rule transgresions...

oh, i am so close to launching into a rant...


You can pick em up for around $15 up here :thumbup:
That's about $25 cheaper than anywhere in Adelaide! :(

I can go find out if the local Kwaka shop will mail one to SA if you like , i can duck in there and ask after work , if not i can get a price and grab a few of them for you guys :thumbup:.....Just have to hide my face in a shop of that brand :D
I can go find out if the local Kwaka shop will mail one to SA if you like , i can duck in there and ask after work , if not i can get a price and grab a few of them for you guys :thumbup:.....Just have to hide my face in a shop of that brand :D

That would be cool...dont stress about the Kwaka shop thing...i bought a Kwaka branded oil filter for the FZ6 the other day! :eek: