Removing centerstand


Secret Soi Rider
Jan 19, 2009
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As I do a lot of track time, and now I do it a lot with my fizzer I was thinking about removing the centerstand.

I like it a lot, and it makes it easy to setup the suspension but that's the only benefit I got as I use paddock stands when I'm home and on tour I see no need for it really. Maybe only when lubing the chain, which is really not a problem as you just ask 1 person to help you for 1 minute.

Anyway has someone removed the centerstand? Do you miss it? Any pics of the bike without one?

Cheers Bard
Mine was like this when I purchased it from the 1st owner. It works just fine. I have the center stand and I'm going put it on, just because it is easier to do maintenance on the bike, otherwise the side stand works great.
Took mine off and the only time I ever needed it I just stuck the bolts on hand tight. The last picture on the following link... you'll see it looks a lot cleaner. I recently modified my center stand by grinding the center stand stop so that it stores higher up, at an angle cuz I was sparking it.

In the meanwhile I removed it as it was touching my left heel a lot while riding, and touched the ground when low enough on the track. The weight of that stand is pretty high I was surprised...

Anyway bike looks cleaner, I have a paddock stand for the bike anyway for maintenance, and on the road maintenance it's not very hard to lube the chain and tighten the chain with it off anyway.

Thanks for the input
I took mine off a while ago and I'm really happy I did. I think the bike looks cleaner and if you are doing track days you'll lose some weight off the bike! I have a pitbull stand for the bike so I don't miss the center stand at all.
I took mine off ages ago. I think it looks a lot better without it and I couldn't stand it hitting my heel. I only miss it sometimes.

Here's a close-up.

Here's from the side.

And here she is 'in the wild' in front of Windsor Castle.
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Wow that does clean up the bike big time. I was also considering doing this for a while now but never got around to it. I assume it's pretty straight forward remove 2 bolts? I couldn't find a how to on the removal with the search just curious if it is really that easy?

Wow that does clean up the bike big time. I was also considering doing this for a while now but never got around to it. I assume it's pretty straight forward remove 2 bolts? I couldn't find a how to on the removal with the search just curious if it is really that easy?

Yep, it's pretty easy to do. Maybe a 10 minute job. Be warned - it's virtually impossible to get the spring back on once you've taken it off..
Took mine off a long time ago as well.

I throw it back on without tightening anything (takes 90 seconds) to remove the wheels and such.
I removed last time home and hey the weight of that thing was more than expected, also the irritating hit on my heel went away and it really cleans up the look of the bike. Great mod really.

Just use paddock stands with flat rubber swingarm mount and you don't even need to get fork mounts on the bike.

Love it ;)
I just removed mine today and am pretty happy with it. I too was annoyed that my heal kept hitting it, and also already have a paddock stand for maintenance. I ended up removing the brackets that it mounts to also. I ended up putting it on my paddock stand and taking off the kick stand to get at the bolt on the left side.
Took mine off a long time ago as well.

I throw it back on without tightening anything (takes 90 seconds) to remove the wheels and such.

Hm... I thought of doing this. Couple of questions:

When you put the center stand back on, do you also reconnect the spring -- I hears that's the hardest part? I fear without the spring, the center stand may fold back when the bike is up on it.

Do you leave the center stand brackets on the bike?

Also, do you just finger tighten the bolts?


I had to look up "paddock stand". Sorry everyone. It won't happen again. Oh...and I don't own one, but I'm thinking I should.
Hm... I thought of doing this. Couple of questions:

When you put the center stand back on, do you also reconnect the spring -- I hears that's the hardest part? I fear without the spring, the center stand may fold back when the bike is up on it.

Do you leave the center stand brackets on the bike?

Also, do you just finger tighten the bolts?



You don't have to reconnect the spring when just using the stand. You only need the spring installed if your gonna keep the stand on the bike while riding.

I don't even put the nut on. Just the two bolts threw and you can have the fz6 on the stand as long as you want. I've had mine like this all winter.
Hm... I thought of doing this. Couple of questions:

When you put the center stand back on, do you also reconnect the spring -- I hears that's the hardest part? I fear without the spring, the center stand may fold back when the bike is up on it.

Do you leave the center stand brackets on the bike?

Also, do you just finger tighten the bolts?



I also heard the spring was a pain to put back on - Rubbish!!! Easy as! Just hook up the spring before you put the bolt throught the bracket (on the spring side) I struggled for about 10 monutes, then thought "Hey, what if I put the spring on first and............."

Thanks for the info folks!

Looks like I don't have to sell that center stand anymore :thumbup:. It could actually come in handy -- and for all those folks that disdained our idea of removing it because we lost so much utility -- we can alway slip it back on when needed and then get it off again -- HAHA :D.
