Retro is back....


Resident Rumologist
Elite Member
Sep 10, 2008
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Ipswich , Australia (+10 GMT)
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Spend the best part of yesterday morning motorbike shopping with my eldest son & went to local Pro Motorcycle Stealership where they sell Honda/Krapasaki & Suzuki. And while there we stumbled across the latest entry level release from Suzuki & all I can say is :eek: :drool: the new Suzuki TU250X has arrived in all her retro glory :rockon:
its the eldest boys first bike , he is tiny & he only wants a commuter so it perfect for him :thumbup:

While we were there looking at the retro goodness of the little fuel injected airhead the salesman noticed my love for retro & pointed out the new Kawasaki WA800 & again :eek: :drool:

Both these bikes have only been on the Australian market for 3 weeks & sales are going great so he says , with beautiful styling like this I think you'll be seeing a lot more around the streets near you :thumbup: :cheer:
I envisioned an early 70's motorcycle commercial when I saw those pics...You know, with the guy in a business suit and a 3/4 white Bell helmet with the bubble visor, scurrying off to work! Great looking biks tho, I'd get one.
Love those bikes!! 800 is not available in states for some reason, but 250 is and reviews are great!
I envisioned an early 70's motorcycle commercial when I saw those pics...You know, with the guy in a business suit and a 3/4 white Bell helmet with the bubble visor, scurrying off to work! Great looking biks tho, I'd get one.

Sorta something like this :D [ame=]YouTube - ‪2011 Kawasaki W800 official video‬‏[/ame]
Love those bikes!! 800 is not available in states for some reason, but 250 is and reviews are great!

All the cool bikes go to Europe.

I think it's the moto-gods way of punishing America for starting that horrible "chopper" phase.

I just saw a TDM 850 on the Nashville craigslist the other day, I almost fell out of my chair. What a awesome looking bike!

If only they would bring middleweight bikes back to America period. I would be tempted to by the TU for myself if they put a 500cc engine in it, like from their boulevard series.
Man.. that 800 looks SWEET! I'd ride one! Wonder if there's a way to mount good looking retro side cases on that thing.