Road rage? Want to smash other bikers with a baseball bat? Race to the death??


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Jun 18, 2012
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Who remembers Road Rash the game? Well they are trying to make a comeback. This game was one of the reasons I fell in love with motorcyles. That and excite bike.

Guess they are trying to do a kickstarter to raise funds and I thought id share this with everyone.

Road Redemption by DarkSeas Games — Kickstarter

This is one of the few computer games I have vivid memories of playing as a young child! What a throwback. I loved Road Rash and also spent many hours making my bike faster and faster. I didn't realize for weeks if not months that you could save your progress. So every time I played I started from scratch...
Pookamatic- you have now given me a new mission in life.....find the excite bike arcade game or make one. I had no idea that existed. Im not sure if I should thank or hate you.....I will let you know after I total up the time and money spent.
I think we grew up in the same era.

I remember getting the NES with the track pad and duck hunt gun for Christmas. Excitebike was the first game along with Contra (up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, a, b, start) that we got. Probably Christmas of '87 or '88.

View attachment 47781 and I love the catch phrase.

I loved Road Rage when it came out. For some reason I want to say I played it on the Sega Genesis (yep, just verified that's what it came out on). My favorite was using the chain followed closely by the bat.

View attachment 47782
oh contra how I love and loathe you. That cheat code was the only way you had a chance in that game. :BLAA:

yeah I played the original Road Rash on Sega too......ahh the memories.
Anytime I solve a problem or complete a major task, I play this:

[ame=]nes collections - contra - stage clear - YouTube[/ame]
I'm taking a serious trip down memory lane with this thread. Anyone remember Racing Destruction on Commodore 64? My brothers and I spent so much time on that daggone thing. Probably got in a few fights over it, too.

[ame=""]Racing Destruction Set - Commodore C64 - YouTube[/ame]

Btw -- I can never seem to get these youtube videos embedded...pretty boneheaded. :BLAA:
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I'm taking a serious trip down memory lane with this thread. Anyone remember Racing Destruction on Commodore 64? My brothers and I spent so much time on that daggone thing. Probably got in a few fights over it, too.

You know what I used to think my dad was a dick growing up because he wanted us to go out and play sports or ride bikes but he would buy all this stuff before we even asked for it.

We had a Commodore 64 as well, also an Atari, the first Nintendo, Sega Genesis, then a DOS 386 computer that I could play games on (I reprogrammed the boot drive to free up RAM at like 13).

This is a good blast from the past thread.
ssky0078 - do you or anyone else here recall what the system was called that had games on casset tapes? Like the ones you would put in a old cassette player? it was hooked to a monitor and keyboard......similar to a comodore64. Probably some small company that was not as popular as the comodore.

Good ol dos 386 games...i was happy and sad when the pentium chips came so fast I couldnt play my old games :(

tape drive looked like this.
ssky0078 - do you or anyone else here recall what the system was called that had games on casset tapes? Like the ones you would put in a old cassette player? it was hooked to a monitor and keyboard......similar to a comodore64. Probably some small company that was not as popular as the comodore.

Good ol dos 386 games...i was happy and sad when the pentium chips came so fast I couldnt play my old games :(

tape drive looked like this.

Do you mean the CoCo or the TRS 80. how about the OLD-COMPUTERS.COM musem ~ Sinclair ZX SPECTRUM
Do you mean the CoCo or the TRS 80. how about the OLD-COMPUTERS.COM musem ~ Sinclair ZX SPECTRUM

motogirio, next time I am in San Diego i owe you a beer! Thats totally it, I had a TRS 80 and then upgraded it to a Tandy 1000.................That right there was the start to a lifetime of computers love. That would be a blast to have some of those old systems. Maybe that will be my next project after i gut this NES and make it into a HTPC wtih emulators.

Used to play RR on a PC. Likely a PIII or something like that. But before that began there were other silly dos games leading up to DOOM, DOOMII, Duke Nuk'm followed by various versions of Quake. The Doom days we all drug our hardware to friends house including 20"CRTs lol, I had a Novel server I built running IPX and 6 of us would heat the room for a day gaming! Funny as HeLL what we went through to play on line then. :rolleyes::rolleyes: :thumbup: << yes, 386 DX processors w/something like 16mb! HA!