Rusted Chain

man that sux wulfpack! you figure that other military members would have more respect for your stuff. But a theif is a thief, good thing they didn't get the bike. Do you have any friends whose wives will be home during you deployments? see if you can store your stuff there. thats what i always did.........................but then she moved my car and dented it! after you clean the chain post up a pic and let's see how she turned out.

Yea it does suck, but now I'm on medical hold until probably the end of time so I have more time with my bike. Blessing in disguise? Nah, I think I'd rather be out to sea. Also, this place is the absolute worst for even having a car. My car has already had a pretty bad hit and run on the driver side rear fender and it's only been four months since I had that fixed and I already see a scrape in the same spot that looks like someone couldn't park right. But, as far as the chain goes, I've got a new cover on order and I'm going to attempt a thorough cleaning of the chain seeing as how the chain is $100 in itself and I don't necessarily feel like tackling a chain removal right now. I'm attempting doing all maintenance on my FZ6 since I don't really trust any dealerships anymore. Not to say I trusted any to begin with :Flip:

Next winter, I plan on having a place to keep my baby. I know some people who live out in town now so I have garages at my disposal :D
That chain does look bad, but worth a try to restore it (specialy for $100). At least it didnt look all worn out/kinked up etc. I am a firm believer in restoring old and enjoy working on it. So I would just spend some time to get it really cleaned up, lube it and see how it goes.
My chain on an old V-Strom (which was parked outside in open by previous owner) had some rust spots under lots of dirt/grime when I got it. First thorough cleaning of both the sprockets, chain and surroundings like chain guide, area around sprockets etc took me 5+ hours, 1 whole role of paper napkins, almost a whole can of WD-40, two toothbrushes and numerous gloves!! After the first clean and lube (I used Dupont Teflon spray), I cleaned it thoroughly again after 1 week and then after 2 weeks of regular use. (a lot easier than first time). Everytime I inspected for any rust spots - there were none. I did another cleaning after about 2 months recently and the chain and sprockets now look almost new!!
If you can get all the visible rust spots off in cleaning, clean it frequently initially, you will find out soon if you can salvage the chain. Definitely worth a try.
Good luck. Looking forward to the new pictures.