

I am sure someone has read it?

My point was just to refer to the rather deafening silence in response to the "homework assignment." If anyone -- besides me -- read those posts there just doesn't seem to be an awful lot of interest to discuss them.

1. Did anyone else read them? I dunno. I'm almost willing to bet that hardly anyone else bothered to read the second if they even made it through the first. Not that I'm doubting anyone's ability to read them, rather I'm sorta doubting folks willingness or desire to do so. Maybe I'm way off. Wouldn't surprise me.

2. If folks did read them, what's to say? We didn't get any talking points. What was the reason for posting the links -- why'd you feel compelled to direct us to the essays? They certainly didn't inspire me nor bring up anything that I really would care to discuss. Once again, it wouldn't surprise me if I missed "the point" of the essays. I must say that, given my own diminishing ability to focus, that these were truly a test of said ability.

My take on them: the author is a dreadful writer. Meandering, pedantic, churlish are adjectives that come to mind. The whole "my flag pole is bigger than your flag pole" tone of this kind of writing is tiresome. I get it, he's patriotic; he's proud to be American. But I've read better essays from High School students.
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I enjoyed them, and thought they were well written. No accounting for taste though. LOL

Each thier own. I found it interesting and wondered if anyone would like to discuss it.

My apoligies if you didnt. I dont really get where the "my flag pole" part comes from?

It seems to me to set out to explain the difference between soldiers and terrorists, and does a very good job.

Again though your opinons are yours and mine are mine.