Say it ain't so!


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Jun 5, 2008
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Here's a doozy from a leading voice of the left. Mr. Carville would rather destroy healthcare reform altogether than put forth a bipartisan bill, purely for political reasons:

On CNN's "State of the Union," Democratic strategist James Carville became the first leading Democrat to suggest publicly that there might be political advantage in letting Republicans “kill” health care.

“Put a bill out there, make them filibuster it, make them be what they are, the party of no,” Carville said. “Let them kill it. Let them kill it with the interest group money, then run against them. That's what we ought to do.”

Health concession fuels blowback - Mike Allen -

I'm not jumping back into the fray, my reporting project is over so I don't have the down time during the day anymore. Things have settled down a bit anyway, checks and balances have returned for the time being.
We need health care reform. We dont need government run healthcare. Its a real simple deal.

Same price for everyone. Prices posted just like everywhere else.

No charges for problems actually caused by the hospital.

If you sell insurance to one person in a state you have to sell insurance to every person in that state at the same price.

Clear explination of tests, thier cost, benifits, and risks.

Simple crap really.

Off topic but very much applies. Social Security goes negitive next year.