Scariest thing I think I've seen on the road yet


Junior Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Monkton, VT
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This morning my wife and I were crusing along minding our own business. We caught up to a car but, being double up, I decided I'd do the good thing and not pass it. A quarter mile later we catch up to a truck pulling a power boat doing about 40-45 mph. We're rolling down a long hill and a friggin' tube blew out of the back of the boat. You know the tubes you ride on behind boat in the water. Well, this one was apparently unsecured in the back of the boat, but still clipped to the stern of the boat by the tow rope. The tube came back 30', reached the end of it's teather, and flopped back and forth across the road a couple of times before something snapped and the tube (and rope) flew off to the side of the road.

If we weren't double up, I would have passed the car earlier and have been halfway past that boat when the tube came out. If the tube had blown out 1/4 mile sooner it would have creamed a bicyclist coming the other way up the hill. I'm sure it would have scared the crap out of a cager too. I'm alive now and feelin' pretty freakin lucky. I think I'll buy a lotto ticket!
I hate it when cagers don't secure their loads - I was following a gardener once when a plastic 30 gallon garbage can flew off his pick-up, landed in front of me before bouncing over my head! Pure luck bcause not only did it miss me but I didn't crash trying to avoid it.

Worst thing was when we stopped at the next set of lights and I explained my displeasure (!), he wasn't even aware he'd lost his load.
The scariest similar incident I had was when the tire on a tractor-trailer blew out about 100 yards in front of me. No biggy I thought, until about half the tire flew into the air and I could watch this great chunk of rubber falling toward me. It landed about 30 feet in front of me and I was able to avoid it but I needed to stop to let my heart slow down. I have a great respect for any kind of trailer now and find I do not follow very closely and pass them as quickly as I can.
Glad you're okay! :thumbup:

The scariest thing I've ever followed is a trailer full of Port-a-Potties. That gives me the willies.
Well, I wasn't on the bike but last year driving to Virginia Beach I saw a 10 foot or so stepladder fall off a truck in front of us by about 300 feet - thankfully in the other lane since we were going about 60. The next car behind the truck hit it just ever so slightly - "tweaking" it so it lay end on, right in the middle of the road, perfect for a car to miss, but on a bike...? One of MANY reasons why I give plenty of sight room on the bike (and even in the car).
A few years back I was headed south on the I15 through San Bernardino and a truck in front of me lost a few sheets (4x8) of drywall which blew up when it hit the ground after flying out of the truck. Much like the tube, that stuff was a nightmare as it got in my eye and up my nose (the powder). I stopped at the next ramp to buy a bottle of water so I could wash out my eyes and nose. That stuff sucks.
Extreme out of water tubing. Lol. No, glad you're ok and nobody else got hurt either. Hopefully the tube was ruined so they learned their lesson when they had to buy a new one.
Scary stuff, you never know what kind of neglegent idiots you are sharing the road with.
Ive got a friend who rides a supermoto in Vancouver, BC and he has a new story like this once a week. Keep focused guys, it might be your turn this week.