Scorpion Install Help

REO Scorpio

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Jun 18, 2009
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Woodridge, IL
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So I fitted the Scorpions (stainless, edge style) yesterday with the help of a former shop mechanic. I must admit, the lining up was more tedious than expected, and we couldn't completely seal leaks, even using Permatex Copper.

Now that stuff is hardened, and I still have a leak. The worst part is the smell of the exhaust. Whereas with the stock, I never noticed any, now I feel like I am getting a headache from the fumes. The main leak is at the Y-Pipe connection to the cat pipe, but there is also a small leak at the connection of the right can.

Basically, I am digging for answers here. How far from the edge of the pipe should the clamps be? we have them basically a mm from the edge.

Also, I noticed this when looking at the stock exhaust (see pic). Its like a honeycomb mesh ring. Should this be removed and placed on the connection with the scorpion y-pipe?

Also, while the bike was in pieces, I through on a Puig Racing screen to help with high speed wobble. Have to admit, made it a lot worse. My first ride last night on the highway after the install, and I had to exit because the bike felt so unstable.

Ugh, ever have one of those days where you just feel defeated? :)

Thanks for any possible help.

Permatex Copper.

I haven't seen this stuff. I used a generic exhaust sealant on my bike when I was putting the scorpions on.

The main leak is at the Y-Pipe connection to the cat pipe, but there is also a small leak at the connection of the right can.

Repeat sealing procedure till you cover all the leaks. This is what I did.

How far from the edge of the pipe should the clamps be? we have them basically a mm from the edge.

Mine seem to be about 2-3mm away from the edge.

Also, I noticed this when looking at the stock exhaust (see pic). Its like a honeycomb mesh ring. Should this be removed and placed on the connection with the scorpion y-pipe?

I did not.

Also, while the bike was in pieces, I through on a Puig Racing screen to help with high speed wobble. Have to admit, made it a lot worse. My first ride last night on the highway after the install, and I had to exit because the bike felt so unstable.

How tall are you? I am 5'11" and the Puig screen made a world of difference over the stock screen for me, and in a good way.

Ugh, ever have one of those days where you just feel defeated? :)

Yes, and on those days I go riding because I win at riding :D
Also regarding this,

I feel like I am getting a headache from the fumes.

Try not to put your face in the exhaust, that might help with the headaches :D

OK, kidding aside, looks like a sealant do-over should fix your problems.


Thanks for the detailed response. I am just under 6'3". I don't mind, though some do, the buffeting that I get in the face from any windscreen. But this problem was a little more like a "death wobble" than anything else. It just happened after I installed the cans and new screen, so I was betting on the screen as the culprit.

However, I just took it out on the highway, and everything was ok in terms of stability. Didn't seem to be any wind last night, at least less than today, so I don't know the actual cause. Scary though, and something I may have to investigate pretty seriously.

However, for now, I have to focus on getting that exhaust just right. I absolutely love the sound.

In your experience, does it seem the loudest when its gurgling in low RPM (~3k)?

Thanks again,

As a reply to my original post, the smoke test with a cig shows that the leak near the why pipe has partially sealed itself, but there are definitely leaks around the seals on the cans themselves (the ones towards the front of the bike). I doubt pipe city will help me out on this. Maybe Scorpion will come through in the clutch.

Doubtful :)

I installed my Scorps (new style) on my 07 dry.

The seal on the stock pipe was not used as the scorps fit pretty tight. It took a while to get everything lined (even after putting the rear plastic back on to center everything).
I made sure the notches (for the actual slip over) went beyond the inner pipe. The clamps were placed at about the edge of the cut out.

The clamp isn't too far up as it can't squeeze the pipe (as its not notched)... Once everything was aligned, it was tightened up. After a couple of heat cycles I re-tightened everything. No problems except for the smell of the new pipes.
So, in an effort to re align the scorps and see if I could get that leak at the mid pipe squared away, I started taking it apart and noticed that the clamp for the y-pipe and midpipe was stripped. Bolt won't even back out.Ugh. I guess in our rush to get that leak stopped initially, we really got on it.

Waiting for a clamp. In the meantime, the stock is back on and tight. Just as a test I took a smoke to the stock as well, and it leaks almost as much as the scorpions, so I really freaked out over nothing. I may crab a couple of locknuts and see if I can get that clamp workable until I find out how to get a replacement.

Live and learn. My lesson is to just stop trying to make everything perfect. :)

I already miss the sound of the scorps though. Loud as hell, had to wear ear plugs for any decent length rides.
Now that you said that, I did have a problem with one of the clamps provided with the kit. The bolt started to cross thread with the cylindrical nut. I spent better than an hour with a tap screwing with it but was able to save it. The bolt/clamp set up is very tempermental (easy to cross thread) when you get it nearly fully expanded....
I was unable to save mine. The inside thread completely coiled out, so now the bolt won't move either direction. I have two new clamps ordered, one almost identical to the original from eBay, another from the yammy dealership, CObra T-clamp, which appears to be a little stronger.

My other concern is that the rear (towards the front) of the cans seem to leak a little themselves. The guys at the exhaust shop told me that all new aftermarkets have stopped using gaskets and that these will self seal when the carbon starts to build. Anyone experience this? I am going to include a somewhat clear picture. Look right a long the rivets and you can see a very small gap, that is where the exhaust is coming from.

In the meantime, I may try to get a lock nut on the broken clamp, but most likely I will wait for the new one and reapply some extra silicone on both sides of the pipe and go for a totally secure install rather than some ghetto clamping.

Thanks again for the input, fellas.

Just wanted to update on my status...

Scorpion has been pretty cool. After my clamp was stripped for the y-pipe, they "posted" (British for mailed) a new clamp and some extra decals for the pipes.

But I can't wait for freight from England, so I went to my local dealership and picked up a 1.75" Cobra stainless t-bolt clamp and went ahead and reapplied some Permatex Ultra Grey and gave it a shot.

Low and behold, that is now tightly sealed, I mean no leak whatsoever. There is still a small amount of exhaust coming out of the end of the cans themselves along the rivets, but I used some Permatex clear and coated that line, and it seems to have helped.

So overall, I am pleased with the installation and love the sound. Without the leaks, it is actually much more harmonious and a little quieter, so I no longer need ear plugs.

Thanks for the help,

same issue, go to a Harley Davidson Dealer and ask for a 2 inch T bolt clamp. It is a standard exhaust clamp for HD and was in stock where I went. It is twice as wide as the Scorpion Kit clamp and tightens with a 9/16 bolt. Done, no leaks, no sealant.

Look at the width of the stock Yamaha exhaust clamp and it makes sense.

Cost: $8.95
same issue, go to a Harley Davidson Dealer and ask for a 2 inch T bolt clamp. It is a standard exhaust clamp for HD and was in stock where I went. It is twice as wide as the Scorpion Kit clamp and tightens with a 9/16 bolt. Done, no leaks, no sealant.

Look at the width of the stock Yamaha exhaust clamp and it makes sense.

Cost: $8.95
Right now the t-bolt from cobra is holding up well, though no wider than the original. But if I have problems, I will look into it.

Still have some mild air coming from the rivets on the cans on the y-pipe side. Looks like almost a mm gap in some places. Any of you with scorpions have a similar gap? Scoprion and a dealer here claim its normal and will build up with carbon.

Who knows :)

Really happy with the purchase now though. Right pipe, right budget.
