Shinko 011s - just put 'em on!


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Jun 3, 2012
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Hi guys.

I thought I'd start chronicling my experience with the Shinko 011s, as FZ6-specific information on these weren't plentiful.

I just had them installed on my '04 FZ6, and have not had the chance to give them a proper run in yet. But I'd say this: compared to the Michelin Pilot Powers I was on previously, the Shinkos gets hotter faster.

I live in tropical Singapore, so I'd be getting plenty of rainfall so expect some perspective on wet weather performance as I experience them.

In Singapore at least, people diss these tyres. One of my mechanics even told me that I had a death wish!

Well... let's see how these tyres work as I pile on the miles.
I'd love to hear a report when you can, I have the 009 Ravens w/ 7k miles on them. Prob could get 5k more.
I'm on my third set since I bought this bike in May 2011. I got about 10,000 miles on my first set, 7000 on the second set (only about 2/3 worn) - they were replaced only because I found a huge nail with my rear tire and just replaced them both at the same time. I ride year round, wet streets have never been a problem. I'm not real aggressive, but I haven't had a tire slip yet. This will be the only tire I run on this bike, no reason to change when you find something that works well at a value price.

Good luck with your tires, I hope you get the performance and longevity that I got with mine.
Just a quick update.

I'm about 200 km into the tyres and they've been broken in. I ride mainly commuting jaunts of 20-30km at a go, at about 29-32 deg C. Thus far, the tyres seem to be fine for daily commuting duties. Had two damp rides (road wet, but was not raining), and the tyres didn't protest at all.

Initially I found the tyres be quite heavy and did not lean into corners as well as Powers, but after the scrub in, it corners very eagerly. Or maybe I'm just getting used to the weight.

Rear tyres lock just as easy as on Powers. Don't think I want to try to lock the fronts. LOL.

I've a long ride coming up in a month or two, and will be bringing the tyres through some mountain roads as well as high-speed (140-160kph avg) highway riding. I think another report after that would be more illuminating.

Shinko 011- $137
Michelin Road Pilot- $177

Not that much more expensive. Over the course of 10k miles, $40, isn't much.

But for regular city riding/commuting I probably wouldn't hesitate with the Shinko.

The real important factor here is how long each tire will last in terms of mileage. Only then we can really do an analysis of cost/benefit of each tire.
Perhaps the price difference isn't that great in the US, but in Singapore, it works out to nearly $150/set more.

Agree with you mileage is an important factor, but only time will tell! My Powers lasted some 14,000km of mainly city riding with probably about 2,000 km on highspeed/mountain road runs.
Okay so I've ridden the tyres for about 800km now, with a mix of wet and dry riding.

In the dry, the tyres work beautifully. They stick to the ground, and never had a moment of fear.

In the wet, on asphalt roads, they were a little slippery and I think I know why. If you look at the thread pattern, there is an entire centre strip where the sips do not get to. If you were to accelerate/brake heavily while it is on this strip, hydroplaning is real possibility.

I was riding on some painted concrete while it was wet the other day, and the tyres lost traction while accelerating at low speed. I wasn't even gunning it. So that's something to take note.

I'm thinking the 010 might not have the above issue, as the sips crosses the centre of the tyre, but we'll see.

No visible deformation of the tyre - it's still round and smooth. In fact, wear is absolutely minimal. The tyres, when new, has a tiny line protruding down the centre, probably from the mould. At 700km, that line is still present.

Still have not had a chance to ride through some very heavy rains, but will post an update on that when that happens. I rode two-up on wet roads last night, and they seem okay, although I wasn't pushing it after the painted concrete incident.
So, had the tyres on for 9,000 km now. Here're the pictures:




As you can see, the rear tyre is beginning to develop a flat spot down the centre. However, on the whole, the grooves still appear deep and the tyres seem like they have quite a long way to go. The flat spots are probably due to the amount of highway riding I did, especially when I went on road trips.

I've taken these tyres up on two separate trips up Malaysia, and they performed well. On the highway, the handled sustained riding for 2-hours at 150km/h average with no issues. They were also tested on the twisties climbing up Cameron Highlands. On those roads, they gripped and was predictable, even under aggressive riding.

I'm still quite satisfied with the tyres thus far, and will post updates as they come.
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