So... Had a (mostly) nice ride yesterday.


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Jun 13, 2009
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So... I Almost Lost My License On Saturday...

Hey all,

I thought I'd share a story with you...

Last Saturday was terrific weather here in Calgary, Alberta... Sunny, about 25 C and not a cloud in the sky for 100 miles in any direction... So of course I got out on the bike. I initially decided to do a quick run to Canmore (a nearby town) and back via a twisty secondary highway: the 1A... However, I was having so much fun that once I got to Canmore I decided to continue into the mountains via the 40.

As a result, I ended up riding 4 hours and 450km... It was an amazing day with little traffic, lots of scenery, no wildlife sightings, and great twisty roads... I was really getting into it and flying at about 150km/h.

I took one break on my trip for a stretch and some photos:

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I continued on my way after this short rest / leg stretch, again really getting into it and going about 150km/h...

I was about 10km out of Longview, a town at the "end" of the 40 route, when I went over a hill that I couldn't see ahead of... And what did I fly by but an Alberta Sheriff driving a nice shiny new white police charger...

I hit the brakes and came down to about 120km/h while looking in my rear to see what he was going to do... Sure enough he starts to pull a U-turn, but hasn't lit up the lights yet... I know he's after me, and I'm not dumb, so I instantly pull over, turn off the bike, and start to take off my helmet. Meanwhile, he completes the U-turn, flips on the lights, and pulls up behind me. By the time he gets out of his car I have my helmet off and license, registration, and proof of insurance in hand for him:

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The Alberta Sheriffs are a specialized traffic enforcement unit... Their mandate is to issue tickets for traffic infractions on highways. They do NOT give warnings and all the folks around here know that if you get pulled over by them, you're getting a ticket. With this in mind, I tried to make it as "easy" as possible for him to cut me some slack, since he busted me at 55 over the limit and anything over 50 is an automatic license suspension, vehicle tow, 1200 dollar fine, and court date.

He gets out of his car, and doesn't even bother to ask me why I was pulled over... He TELLS me, angrily, that he pulled me over for speeding, and that I was going 155 in a 100 zone. I tell him "yeah that sounds about right." He asks me where I was in a rush to go and I said "anywhere - I love to ride." He asks me why I was going that fast and I said "it's a motorcycle man, they're not built for comfort." I realize these are dick answers, but read between the lines and see that I'm matching his A-type personality with mine and not giving him any BS.

He takes all my paperwork and asks me if I drive a car, I reply yes. He then asks me what I do for a living, I tell him. He then asks if I need my car for work, and this is when I suddenly realize that losing my license is imminent. I kind of choke out "I need my car, yeah." Now I'm worried.

He continues to lecture me about how I'm going to get myself killed, blah blah blah, usual cop stuff. He berates me for "risking my license on a joyride" and "how could I be so senseless" and so on... I tell him straight up that I know I was speeding, I didn't have a good reason, I wasn't endangering ANYONE except myself as I'm a careful rider, and I am not gonna waste his time with BS or lies.

He pauses here, takes off his sunglasses, looks me straight in the eyes, and says "Well... I dunno what I'm gonna do here yet... I can take your license and tow your bike, and to be honest I want to. On the other hand, you didn't make me chase you, you pulled over before I even flipped the lights because you knew what you did, you had your documentation ready for me, and you're not bullsh*tting me... That goes a LONG way with me." This is when I start to feel a little more hopeful about the idea of keeping my license. He says "wait here" and goes back to his car.

I stand around for a while and wave and gesture (double thumbs up, "Atlas" poses, etc.) to all the cars passing by who have slowed down to gawk at the "stupid motorcyclist who got pulled over" - I figure if you're gonna be a spectacle, you may as well put on a show. I had a good laugh.

The cop motions me over to his car and tells me to get in the passenger side... I'm thinking "oh great, this is my ride home without a license or bike." Instead he shows me his radar, locked in at 155 and says "see that? That's you. I have it locked in. I took a picture. So here's what is going to happen. I'm going to cut you a $351 ticket for exactly 50 over, and you're going to pay the fine. If you take me to court, I will admit that I cut you a deal, and will present this evidence to the judge who will then suspend your license and fine you, heavily. So you're gonna pay this ticket or your ass is mine. That's the deal. Keep your license and pay the fine, or go to court and see how you do. Understand me?"

I reply: "Yes sir, sir. I will pay this tomorrow, sir. Thank-you, sir."

He then says "look, I know bikes are fun. I like riding them too... But I do it at work, where I'm allowed to speed!" I thought that was kind of a dick move on his part; to rub in the fact that he feels "above the law" - get bent.

Anyway, I thanked him repeatedly, tucked the ticket in my jacket, got my stuff back on, and carried on my merry way - this time only going 15 over.

Here's what I learned:

Should you speed? That's up to you. Some do, some don't, I typically do 10-15 over. In reality, it's a personal choice that involves many factors, and only you know what consequences you're willing to live with as a result of speeding... This was my first ticket in 4 years and I knowingly decided to haul ass on the mostly empty roads that day.

HOWEVER, NEVER RIDE AT A SPEED THAT WILL COST YOU YOUR LICENSE IF YOU GET CAUGHT. You have NO idea how close I was to basically destroying my career, life, and future in general. My entire life hinged on this cop's sympathy, and I got INSANELY lucky - Sheriffs by policy DO NOT cut deals.

Take from this what you will, all I can say is I'm going back to the 10-20 over the limit speeding. That was a good and relatively inexpensive lesson for me. Damn.

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Re: So... I Almost Lost My License On Saturday...

Nice story mate, and very lucky.

I'll admit it, (as should everyone), we all speed that little bit, but (here in Oz) if you go 40 Km/h over the limit, you can kiss your license goodbye if you get caught, so for that reason, I don't. (Probably why the guys are always waiting for me on group

Glad your day turned out as well as it did.

see you didnt get a ticket because you did everything right (except the smart a$$ answers lol). i might have wrote you for those answers (unless you let me ride the bike lol).

i once got away with a 167 MPH in a 65 MPH zone for the same thing while drive a suped up MR2. i seen him come out and just pulled over and waited. the guy actually let me go. this was in florida. might have helped that i was in military uniform going home on leave at the time lol.
I really doubt you learned your lesson. the immaturity in your actions speaks loud volumes in that regard. Then you have the audacity to try and preach to us.

Hopefully next time you don't get cut a deal.
Well written... the content was a bonus... I applaud you for a great read. I think you should consider writing for a bike mag...:thumbup:

Ride safe
Awesome story man. Had something similar the weekend before, did the same route (but started off on 22x, hit the 762 and went longview to kananaskis) and early in the ride we were trucking through the 762 at a verybrisk pace about to burst through the trees onto a straighaway, maybe 50 over the limit. Being the leader, im just about to come around the corner as some angel on a BMW gave me the twirling finger in the air. Jam the brakes, along with everyone else in the group and sure enough 3 sherrifs all hiding in the ditch with the radar guns out tagging motorcyclists going way to fast. Cant even begin to think of how many people (including the group of 4 20 year olds I was in) ruined their careers, education or lives that saturday because its only an 90km/h road and EVERYONE pushes really hard on the only good twisty road within 2 hours distance. I got barely more lucky than you.

Alberta gov't has stepped up forces to take down motorcyclists on the secondary highways, keep an eye out!
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I really doubt you learned your lesson. the immaturity in your actions speaks loud volumes in that regard. Then you have the audacity to try and preach to us.

Hopefully next time you don't get cut a deal.

Delete, Delete, Delete!!!!!!!! That's some pretty bold statements that might have been better disclosed in a PM.

If you own a FZ6 and don't punch it every once in a while, your either lying or maybe you should have bought a moped.... :rof: :rof:

Right, Wrong, or indifferent, I thought is was a good write up :rockon:
punch it all you want on a track

don't come on here priding yourself on catching a break after admitting something stupid.

how many guys on her slag squids? slag stunters and slag Harley riders, to only pat your fellow FZ rider on the back when he catches a break?

Exceeding the speed limit by that much is no different than a squid riding in board shorts and flip flops or a stunter pulling wheelies down the highway.

that kind of action should not be supported.
wow now this is special.... Sounds like someone had the similar situation and didn't get a break.......:spank:

punch it all you want on a track

don't come on here priding yourself on catching a break after admitting something stupid.

how many guys on her slag squids? slag stunters and slag Harley riders, to only pat your fellow FZ rider on the back when he catches a break?

Exceeding the speed limit by that much is no different than a squid riding in board shorts and flip flops or a stunter pulling wheelies down the highway.

that kind of action should not be supported.
sorry, vditraining but your kinda a dick for saying you hope he doesn't get cut a deal next time. you want to go complain about bike speeding go to a cop forum this is a bike forum we share our experience and experiences here dont cut people down.

Iroyx, dude great story, awesome pics, and sad ticket price. I think that the cop was an idiot for telling you he is allowed to speed. I have had so many cops do dumb stuff to me on my bike that is illegal and they take any opportunity to pull bikers over when they get a chance.

p.s. two weeks ago i got a gun pointed at me b/c i rode my fz6 to the bank to make a payment on the bike. b/c i was on a bike and the way i rode around in a circle to park it the cop saw fit to accuse me of robbery and felony evasion. that day i had a gun pointed at me and had my license taken away (the cop took it and gave it to the bank manager, i dont know how that was legal or intelligent)
punch it all you want on a track

don't come on here priding yourself on catching a break after admitting something stupid.

how many guys on her slag squids? slag stunters and slag Harley riders, to only pat your fellow FZ rider on the back when he catches a break?

Exceeding the speed limit by that much is no different than a squid riding in board shorts and flip flops or a stunter pulling wheelies down the highway.

that kind of action should not be supported.

Thank God! My Dad has been resurected from the grave. It's a miracle!:eek: