So who is getting FZ-09 (MT-09)?

Quite a few threads on it but if all goes well and I get the job I want after this semester at school, ill be posting pics of one next to my Versys ;)

I've waited for a modern yammy triple for years. I'll have to avoid the dealerships so I don't sell everything I own to buy one lol
Hmm, I searched be for posting but did not see any. Can someone pls post the links - my forum search kungfu obviously sucks :D
if i cant get in yellow and naked, ill never get it past the wife lol

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The bike looks pretty good. I'm not sure about the Break light that looks like the engineer's forgot about. It looks like they glued a random light bar to the back seat before the curtain dropped for the first show. The big thing for me is that its not coming out in Metallic red just that cheap looking Rapid Red. I know both are cosmetic and can be changed but i think ill hold off.

On the other hand i like the 3 cylinder engine and exhaust. The engine makes good torque and should be a blast. As for the exhaust thank GOD they got away from that Rail road Tie they slapped on the side of FZ8 .

All in all the bike looks great but ill wait and hope they come out in the Metallic Red and by then there will be integrated lights for the back.
I'm going to wait a coulple of years, and buy yours used in great condition for a great price.:cheer:

Haha - I tend to hang on to my rides and fz-09 seem to fix all the little things which annoy me in fz6. Fz8 and fz1 were not what I was hoping for so I stayed with fz6. If fz-09 answers my prayers - she'll be a keeper. Even with 3 gallons tank - all my friends are riding 1000cc plus (no exception) and if fz-09 can manage 230-250 km to the tank that's would be plenty for me.
It's actually 3.7 US gallons. I would hope that setting the D-MODE to the mild setting you could get around 50mpg's. For me that should work out to a normal saturday ride.
I will wait a few years and see how they are on the market and what accessories become available for them before I pull the trigger.
I will wait a few years and see how they are on the market and what accessories become available for them before I pull the trigger.

Same here... I got into the same issue when I got the 09 FZ6R... not a lot of aftermarket stuff. And honestly I like the look of FZ8 better, look more polish.

Some of you know I've been moding stock exhaust for the FZ6R for a while... I started doing them for the FZ8 also. Midship set up, look quite good too. Top that with a set of 07 R1 cams... 112 WHP and 57 so far... still working on the cam tune to improve mid range. Kind of sad the FZ8 was so detune... never had a fair shot to compete in the middle weight category.

Ah well, if $$$ is right later this year I'm getting the SF848. If not... I won't mind a FZ8 since they might end up giving them away before the FZ9 show up on the showroom floor...
Same here... I got into the same issue when I got the 09 FZ6R... not a lot of aftermarket stuff. And honestly I like the look of FZ8 better, look more polish.

Some of you know I've been moding stock exhaust for the FZ6R for a while... I started doing them for the FZ8 also. Midship set up, look quite good too. Top that with a set of 07 R1 cams... 112 WHP and 57 so far... still working on the cam tune to improve mid range. Kind of sad the FZ8 was so detune... never had a fair shot to compete in the middle weight category.

Ah well, if $$$ is right later this year I'm getting the SF848. If not... I won't mind a FZ8 since they might end up giving them away before the FZ9 show up on the showroom floor...

They already heavily discounted here in Toronto (keep in mind our prices were higher then US) - saw two in different dealerships with $6995 tag, I think very feasible to get it under 7 on the road.