Some thing I have never practiced before?

You know if your mount is trained properly you should be able to get on from either side. It shouldn't kick you or move away from you when you get on from the right. Um wait, we aren't not talking about horses are we? Sorry, the Texan in me came out!!:p My typical conversation about which side to get on is usually about horses.
If you want a REAL challenge try getting on the "Wrong" side of a bike that has a sidecar. Not sure why but that is really difficult...
Here's a real challenge, try getting on your bike from that wierd side (right side), without the kickstand down!

So the street bike thing is different from the dirtbike deal I am most used to. But the old saying was that people will get on their bike from what direction they feel most comfortable turning. (i.e if you feel more comfortable turning left than right you will get on from the left side.) After all most race bikes (excluding KTM's...untill that rubber kickstand holder breaks) dont have kickstands so the lean angle of the bike when stationary has nothing to do with the way you get on.

I personally prefer to get on from the left side myself. However, there have been times out in the woods when you are on a off camber section and recovering from completely busting your *** that you have to get on in some uncomfortable ways.

As for getting on and off with the centerstand... how do you do that. I mean I can roll the bike forward will sitting on it to come off the centerstand, but to get the bike up on the stand while being on it? Some explain that trick, hell it took me a while to figure out the trick to getting the thing up on the center stand with me standing off to the side.

You know if your mount is trained properly you should be able to get on from either side. It shouldn't kick you or move away from you when you get on from the right. Um wait, we aren't not talking about horses are we? Sorry, the Texan in me came out!!:p My typical conversation about which side to get on is usually about horses.

Agreed but wait, we don't wear a sabre riding do we? Darn I knew I left something at home....