Squid texting while riding!!!!

The Toecutter

Hero for Hire
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Dec 17, 2008
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K59eMpWsyNE"]YouTube - Texting on a Motorcycle[/ame] WHAT!!!
Must have a cruise control fitted.....But judging by the cars cutting the lanes I would think it wise to be ready to either change direction, hit the picks or accelerate at any moment....Idiots like that are the reason motorbike riders are legislated against so heavily...1. Rider does something STOOPID 2. Rider crashes and is injured or worse still dies 3. Laws are made for the supposed protection of people who did said STOOPID thing in the first place as the road toll rises.....(Lesson...giving the powers that be ammunition to focus their attentions upon us is counter productive to ALL RIDERS)
I wonder if this isn't some type of performance art.....point out how stupid and inattentive drivers are by doing this stunt.

On second thought.....he's a :squid:
seen that before, but it still makes me want to drive up next to him and knock his phone out of his hand.
seen that before, but it still makes me want to drive up next to him and knock his phone out of his hand.

Knock his phone out of his hand? :eek: consealed carry, "I felt my life and others were at risk, officer so I had to shoot him" :cheer:

of course shooting while driving/riding is bad also so of course I would be a passenger in a car :rolleyes: :thumbup: :D
Is this a stunt? He is just too propped up. He did not have to lay back to do this.

But, it would have been better if the dude hit a rock or something, jumped up to grab the bars, dropped the phone, and the truck behind it ran over the phone. Now that would have been funny :D.